Chapter 14

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Alex wasn't sure how she was suppose to take the news. 'Pregnant' kept repeating in her mind. She wasn't angry, but she knew her father would be.

"Are... are you sure?" Alex asked her voice trembling. Her head was spinning and her breathing had increased. She was starting to panic.

"Yes, the test doesn't lie Miss Stone." Dr. Damon said calmly, he was watching her reaction to the test results.

"Oh god. Oh god." Alex sobbed clutching onto a stunned looking Laura. She didn't know what to do. Liam hated her and he was the father. He'd hate her even more and accuse her of trapping him. She couldn't seem to calm down.

"Miss Stone. I am going to have to give you a sedative to calm you down. Your weak and it's not good for you or your baby. It wont harm the baby." Dr.Damon said as he administered a clear liquid into her I.V.

"She'll be a bit out of it for the next few hours, unless she goes to sleep." Dr. Damon told Laura before excusing himself from Alex's room.

"Alex whose the dad?" Laura asked curious. She'd never heard Alex ever mention anyone, but their neighbor and his brother. Liam and Chase were the two she mentioned. Though she knew that Alex said Chase was gay.

"This can't be happening. Laura you can go ahead and head home. I'll be fine." Alex said trying to assure Laura.

"Heck no Alex. Your like a sister to me. I'm not stupid. I can see your a mess. I may be young, but I want to be here for you. Okay?" Laura said rolling her eyes and holding on to Alex's hand.

"No talk now talk later..." Alex's words were running together the sedative was taking effect and she was not trying to fight it. She embraced it in fact.

Laura stayed with Alex, holding her hand as she slept. Laura's mom abandoned her and she knew Alex didn't have anyone. She asked Alex once about her family and Alex was honest. Her family weren't exactly loving and they didn't treat her very well.

Alex needed Laura now more than ever, even though she is young. She knew her father Aiden would allow it. Alex was a good woman, inside and out.

Before Alex was rushed to the hospital by the medics. Liam, Chase and Sarah were all in Liam's apartment. They were all concerned over Alex's disappearance. Sarah was livid over the incident. She was furious and if she could she would castrate Liam, but Chase wouldn't allow it.

"Your an idiot Liam! You don't know what you've done." Sarah screeched at Liam. Chase holding her back from attacking him.

"I didn't do anything!" Liam said trying to defend himself, but deep down he knew he was the cause. She's been gone almost a month and he knew he was the reason why.

"Your the reason she is gone!" Sarah screamed back at him. She could tell he wasn't even believing his own lies.

"No, She's gone because she lied! She lied for 6 months over being a man." Liam replied defeated, running his shaky hands through his already trousled hair.

"She lied because she loved you. Your a damn idiot! She wanted to tell you so many times, but chickened out. Your all she really had. She told you about her family. How they really were." Chase said finally speaking up. He had to tell Liam how it really was. He knew Liam was suffering as well, but he also knew when he last spoke to Alex she was emotionally shattered.

"Was her past really her past? Did she lie about that too?" Liam replied weakly. He knew she told him the truth.

"Don't you try that! Your crossing a line you really don't want to cross with us. You knew her just like we did, but better. The only thing she ever lied to you about was her gender. The damn girl was destroying herself inside over it. Your the one who had mistaken her for a MAN FIRST!" Chase said defending Alex. He knew Alex was a damn good woman, but deep down she was broken. The more time she spent with Liam the more open she became.

"Ugh! I know, but I can't get over the fact she lied about being a man. At the time 'he' was my best friend. I thought I was switching teams because of her." Liam stated, sitting down once again with his head in his hands. His shoulders sagged.

"I understand that, but you really don't know how bad you messed her up Liam. You really did a number on her and you don't even remember it. I just hope she is alright." Sarah said accusingly. Chase gave Sarah a knowing look.

"What do you mean? I yelled at her over her lying to me. What do you mean I don't remember? Tell me why are two being so cryptic with me. Tell me what the hell you two are going on about." Liam pleaded with his brother. They knew something, something that would make the puzzle fit.

"I wont do that to her. You need to try and remember the night you two got drunk. That night is what really changed things between you two. That was what cause her to lose control the way she did. Everything started because you confused her as a man. Than it ended with you abandoning your friendship with her. She needed you the most and you up and walked away. I never thought you were a coward until than. I always thought you were a good person. I don't know what to think about you anymore." Chase said keeping eye contact with Liam.

"Why do you two keep getting cryptic with me! Just fucking tell me already!?" Liam said through gritted teeth, he was getting angrier and angrier.

"Figure it out yourself. We wont tell you because your an asshole for not remembering in the first place. Your the one who got the girl wasted, she out drank you and she remembers. Fuck you Liam. You really are an asshole." Sarah said jumping to her feet. Her veins were filled with lava and her hand was itching to snap back and punch his handsome face. She wanted to inflict damage to him, but she knew Alex wouldn't want that. Thus holding her anger at bay by a thread.

"I swear to god you two are driving me crazy with these riddles!" Liam said angrily. They were playing mind games with him and he's had enough.

"When you figure it out Liam. Give us a call. We'll keep in touch, but right now I can't be around you. I get it she lied to you, but she had her reasons. I just hope she comes back soon." Chase said defeated heading to the door with Sarah following him.

Liam didn't even get a chance to respond. Chase and Sarah left quickly, leaving him alone to get lost in his head. He knew deep down Chase and Sarah were right. He really did know everything about Alex, all but her gender. Alex was always so honest with him, but she wasn't as honest as he believed if she had mislead him to believe she was a man.

Liam knew he over reacted to it, but he felt betrayed. Alex was his best friend, he'd never gotten that close to anyone before. Not even his own family. Alex was pure in so many ways that even he himself envied her.

His mind was filled with Alex. He felt his chest tighten and he knew why, it's because they were right he had driven her away, when she needed him most.

The main thing nagging at him though was why Alex became so withdrawn the day after the two of them got so trashed. He could remember bits and pieces, but most of it was a blur. He needed to figure out what happened.

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