Chapter 16

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Alex woke up about an hour after her appointment was suppose to be and started to sob. The pregnancy was taking a toll on her emotions. Laura had already headed home and Chase was flicking through channels on her television in the living room. When she got out of her bed she was still dressed in her clothes from earlier in the afternoon, they were heavily wrinkled though.

"How could you hide something like this from us? From Liam? Alex I don't understand." Chase said without looking at her. He was upset and she could see it etched in his face.

"What was I suppose to do. Knock on Liam's door and say hey buddy remember me. Did you remember the night we got trashed and you fucked me. Well congrats your going to be a fucking dad?" Alex yelled angrily. Chase had never heard Alex speak the way she did before, must be the pregnancy he thought.

"Well not exactly, but you need to tell him. It's his baby your carrying. He's going to be upset, but he will be even more upset if you don't tell him. He has a right to know Alex. Your a good woman. I called Liam a half hour ago. He's on his way home from work. He pulled a double, but you need to tell him tonight. This has gone to far and you know it." Chase said finally looking at her. Her hair was a mess, her face stained with tears and her eyes were rounded. She looked scared shitless.

"No. No. No. No. I can't. He wont believe me. He already hates me. No. No." Alex said she was stuck in the same spot. She wanted to run, but her body wasn't listening.

Liam had arrived on the fifth floor. Chase told him to just walk in, but he had to be quiet. He said it was important and that Chase needed him. When he shut the door he heard and all to familiar voice and he stopped in his tracks. He listened in before he would go in, he told himself no matter what he needed to do this. He needed closure with Alex.

"Alex calm down. My brother is an asshole, but you need to tell him, just because he doesn't remember that night. I mean do you really think he's going to turn his back on his own kid for god sakes!?" Chase yelled at her. Chase didn't know Liam had arrived and was listening to the conversation. Liam was taken back. His kid? What the hell were they talking about. His heart in his throat.

"I can't he wont believe me. He turned his back on me once and I wont let him do it to our baby. I love him, but just because Liam slept with me doesn't mean anything to him, he doesn't remember. I wont let our baby suffer like I had. I love your brother, but in the end I wound up losing him because of one lie. What if the baby lies some day and he turns his back on him or her? You need to call him and tell him not to come. Please Chase. I...I....I...I'll tell him, but if he rejects his own baby I don't know how much more I could take." Alex said. Her legs gave out and she fell to the floor with a thud. She had her arms wrapped around herself and was at her breaking point.

"Alex you need to calm down this isn't good for either of you. Liam is a good man. He'll step up and be their for both of you. He is still in love with you, but he's too stubborn to admit it right now." Chase said as he helped Alex to the couch.

Liam finally put everything together, everytime Chase and Sarah said he cause her break down. Liam's mind was racing. He took off leaving her apartment door open on the way out and took the steps two at a time. He needed air. His mind kept replaying 'I can't he wont believe me. He turned his back on me once and I wont let him do it to our baby. I love him, but just because Liam slept with me doesn't mean anything to him, he doesn't remember' Alex honestly believed he hated her. He could never hate her, Chase was right he still loved her.

Liam flagged down a cab the moment he busted through the front door of the building. He told the taxi to drive. No destination in mind. He handed the cab driver three $50's. As he sat in the taxi he was racking his brain for the little things he must have missed.

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