Chapter 3

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"Where the hell have you three been? You've been gone almost an hour. I was worried." Liam said. His shoulders sagged a little once he released the breath he had been holding.

"We..we...were just talking." Alex said uncomfortable. She was overly aware of how dashing Liam looked in his polished suit. Alex was unable to make eye contact with him anyone, as she looked around her breathing hitched, she paled and her eyes rounded. She would have never expected 'him' to be here. The one person she really wanted to avoid.


"You know how I feel about this. I don't want to be intimate until we are married. My father always told me a woman will only give herself up to the man she loves once they are married."Alex exclaimed, trying to make him understand how important this was to her. Her arms draped over his neck. Her eyes willing him to understand.

"What the hell! We've been together for years! I am tired of waiting! We'll be married shortly anyhow! What's wrong with having sex with your future husband!?" Christopher asked in anger. His hands tightening around her waist, his fingers digging into the skin of her hips.

"I am sorry, but I can't. My father would be disappointed if I gave in before we are married."Alex said barely above a whisper, hoping to stop this argument. She was tired of having it. He should know by now sex is not something she'd do with anyone, even the man she loved before marriage.

"Fine. Fuck it. It's okay. We will wait. Okay Kitten?" Christ said to her. Oddly calm now.

"Alright Chris. It's only another week and we will be married. It'll be even more special than." Alex said, leaning up on her toes to kiss his cheek before walking back into the party. He followed her in shortly after. She picked up a glass of champagne and sipped it heavily. The glass was gone and was replaced by another, than another.

She was a bit tipsy and her judgement was a wee bit off, but she decided Chris was right. He was going to be her husband and if it was really that important for sex. He was a man and he craved it, she decided tonight she'd give in. She'd give him her wedding night early. She took a cab to Chris' house a couple hours later still slightly buzzed, yet sober enough to know her choice was made.

She paid the driver, but asked him to wait. Something felt off and she was always taught by her grandmother and her father always trust your instincts. She walked up to the door and it was unlocked, which was odd since Chris was a security freak. She looked back to see the driver giving her a strange glance, but she swalled her own fears and walked in, not shutting the door behind her.

She took the state of house in and nothing looked out of place except for Chris' tie and jacket on the floor and railing. She rolled her eyes and picked them up. She walked up his steps slowly. Listening for an intruder. She heard groaning and moaning. Alex thinking Chris was hurt or ill, she puched opened the already cracked door and the sight before her was non other than her own sister and her fiance locked in a passionate embrace, with Chris on top of her mid trust.

Alex's eye watered and her chest constricted. She'd never have believed he'd do this too her after all this time. Was this the first time. Did he ever love her. Alex tried to hide her choked sobs, but she wasn't doing a good enough job, because Chris turned to look at her still buried in her sister, his face not full of regret, but full of rage. His eyes met hers and his face than took on a hint of regret.

"I... I... loved you. I fucking trusted you. I trusted you." Alex whispered and than ran as if the devil himself were on her heels. She could hear Chris calling her back, but she couldn't. She wouldn't. He made his choice and in the end it was not her. He fractured her already broken heart.

*Flashback Ends*

"I have to go. I really have to go. I got to get out of here. This was a mistake. I'm sorry guys. Bye!" Alex rushed and than tried to make a dash to the arch, to leave at the main exit. So that she could grab herself a cab home. She couldn't break down now. Not now. It's been a long time, but it wasn't the fact she loved him anymore, she didn't she did at one point love Chris, but she was never in love with him.

"Hey Alex. Dude, calm down. Your not going anywhere you haven't even had a drink to calm down yet. Come back and relax. No one is going to hurt you. Okay?"Liam told Alex in confidence, but she couldn't take his word for it. Not with Chris here. Alex pulled her arm from Chris' grip and tried to make a dash again for the door, but before she could, she ran right into a waitress, food and champagne went flying everywhere.

Alex than fell on top of the poor waitress and when she looked down her hand and face were on the poor girls breast and the other on her exposed thigh. The girl screeched and started hitting Alex in the face repeatedly trying to get 'him' off of her. Alex got to her feet and ran out the door and hailed a cab, as soon as she shut the door Liam, Chase, and Sarah all ran after the cab as it had taken off. She left them speechless.

Alex refused to explain her behavior to any of them for the 'incident' the night before. She didn't even speak for close to a week. She couldn't eat much either, she felt as if she had disappoint Liam and she felt as if she had ruined the party for everyone. She felt like shit to put it mildly.

Liam rushed into her apartment. Grabber her arm and took her in to her bathroom. She was in a daze the entire time. Liam turned on the shower and forced Alex into it. It was ice freaking cold and she yelled bloody murder, but it still didn't fully take her from her daze.

"Damn Alex! What the hell! What happened? Please I am your friend talk to me."Liam pleaded Alex, begging for answers.

"My ex-fiance was there. I had to get out..."Alex whispered, Liam heard her just fine.

"You could have said something. Come on man. I get it it was hard seeing her. She fucked you over. It's time to move on!" Liam pushed for Alex to see it was true.

"You understand nothing! You wouldn't understand....I've got secrets I wont tell you...well...not yet atleast. I will...Just not yet...I need more time...."Alex begged with tears in her eyes. She was trying to will herself not to cry, but she was unsuccessful.

"Alex, I wont push you. Take your time. I'm here when your ready." Laim assured her, with a bright smile and sparkling eyes.

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