Chapter 20

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The following morning Alex woke up feeling dazed and confused. She felt sad, yet calm for the first time in many months. She went to sit up but felt something holding her down. Alex started to freak out inside not knowing who or what was keeping her held down. She looked down and she was fully clothed and seen an arm over her waist.

"What the hell...." Alex said quietly, while turning over to look at who the arm belongs too. Alex gasped when she seen it was the one and only Liam. He still took her breath away. She didn't remember him crawling in bed with her last night, but apparently he did and he was a gentleman about it.

"Liam. Please wake up. I have to pee very badly!" Alex begged.

Liam moved his arm and rubbed his eyes as Alex immediately got up. Liam waited patiently for Alex to return and when she didn't he began to worry. He heard commotion from outside the bedroom and went to go investigate. What he came and faced he was not expecting. Alex kissing another man.

"Stop Chris! I told you I am not interested! Leave me alone. Please leave me alone. Go back to Rebecca and the baby." Alex whimpered and begged.

Liam saw red. This is the man who not only hurt Alex in the past, but also in the present. He walked forward and wrapped his arms around Alex pulling her behind him being as gentle as he could. He could feel Alex trembling in his arms. He needs not frighten her anymore than she already is.

Chris had his back to the hallway and didn't see everyone coming out of the bedrooms and watching the commotion taking place. Immediately Chase walked over next to his brother shielding Alex from Chris. Deep down Chase wanted blood and it was Chris's blood he wanted. No one hurts his friends and Alex was most definitely his friend.

"What's going on Liam?" Chase asked already knowing Liam would tell him.

"Chris here was trying to force himself on my girlfriend." Liam spoke with venom in his words. Alex gasped when Liam called her his girlfriend. Alex loved the sound of it, but was that what he thought she was, his girlfriend? Could they really be together? As lovers would be? Would he be the cure to her loneliness.

Chase raised his eyebrows and turned to Chris. So this chump here was Chris. Sure he's good looking, but Alex deserved someone with more than just looks. Someone who wouldn't laid their hands on her in Anger. Someone who'd loved her. Someone like Liam, he maybe stupid, but he definitely loved Alex.

"Well Chris you see she has a boyfriend. You know she's pregnant by him. Yet, you come here and decide for her that you want the two of you two to be together. Why is that?" Chase asked curiously, while holding back his anger at bay.

"Alex can't be pregnant. I don't believe it. She'd never break her promise to her dead father. He means more to her than anyone in this world. Especially Liam." Chris said pointedly, pointing his finger at Liam in disgust.

"Well honey. Hate to break it to you, but she is in fact pregnant. 17 weeks to be exact!" Sarah said strangely calm.

Chris whipped his head back and forth from Sarah and Alex. Looking to see if was true. He didn't want to believe it. Alex was supposed to be his. Her virginity belonged to him!

"Alex how could you do that to me or your father!?!?" Chris screamed.

Alex cringed at the accusation. "I love him Chris. Of course I would give myself to him." Alex spoke in a whisper.

"No, you love me. You've always loved me. I can forgive you though because I love you." Chris said.

What was he going on about. Alex, Liam and Sarah all shared a look. One that Alex couldn't quite figure out. She was so confused by what was going on. Her head was floating and she needed to sit down before she fell down and possibly hurt the baby.

"Liam, take Alex here and fix her and the baby some breakfast while Sarah and I talk to dearest Chris here. No Alex. Go eat your pale and you must be hungry. The baby needs nourishment." Chase said calmly, cooing Alex.

Alex nodded and followed Liam and stared at their entwined fingers. He really wanted to be with her. She couldn't wrap her head around it. Alex smiled warmly for the first time in months, even thought Chris was here.

"Liam slow down. I can't keep up." Alex said breathlessly.

"Sorry Alex. I just don't like him near you." Liam said honestly.

"Have you thought of any names Liam?" Alex spoke softly trying to change the subject.

"Aiden Lee and Imogen Marie?" Liam said blushing. He was afraid Alex wouldn't like them.

"Beautiful names! I love them Liam! I wonder what we are having...." Alex trailed off in thought. Completely forgetting Liam and breakfast. That was until she heard commotion from down the hall. Alex stood quickly and took off to find out what was going on. Liam hot on her tail. Alex saw that Chris and Chase were fighting on the floor. Alex being Alex, she tried to break it up.

Alex screamed and than tried to stop Chris from punching Chase again. In the process Chris 'accidentally' threw Alex into the wall. Alex immediately fell unconscious. Liam rushed over and grabbed Alex. Sarah rushed over as well. Alex lay unmoving and than Liam felt a wet sticky substance on his pants. It was blood. Liam paled. He knew Alex was losing his baby.

10 minutes later an emergency medical transport arrived. Alex was placed inside. Liam went with her. Liam face held sorrow and had tears streaming from his eyes.

When Alex woke up she had a tube down her throat and felt terrible. Did she faint again? She couldn't remember anything. Just that Liam was with her when she woke up. Alex looked to her left and there she saw a sleeping Liam and to her right she saw a sleeping Chase and Sarah. What the hell happened? Alex thought out loud. Everyone stirred and sat up. Liam jumped to his feet and breathed for the first time in a week.

"Thank God you woke up! We thought we really lost you this time...." Liam said weeping on Alex's shoulder.

"Why?" Alex asked confused.

The three shared a look. " Honey you don't remember?" Sarah asked.

"Remember what Sarah? How long have I been asleep?" Alex asked getting more concerned.

"Alex, you've been out for 5 days. Chris threw you against the wall and you hit your head." Liam spoke cautiously.

"The baby!?" Alex said getting slightly hysterical.

Liam hugged her. Trying to get her to calm down. Alex knew Chris would kill it. Accident or not.

"No." Liam said quickly.

Alex was still trembling. She was so glad, but than why were they all looking at her like she had.

"Than why did you all look at each other like that than again at me?" Alex asked.

"Because he tried to kick you in your belly while you were unconscious at the house!" Liam said seething with anger.

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