Chapter 21

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"He what?" Alex said stunned and scared. She held held her baby bump protectively.

"We pulled him away, but you were bleeding. You scared me to death! Never again will we allow him near you and by no means will you be trying to break up another fight!!!" Liam stated with a matter of fact.

"I'm so sorry guys. I just keep screwing things up. I can never do anything right can I." Alex said quietly, trying not to cry yet again. It seemed to be the only thing she did now a days; is cry. Dr.Damon was standing in the door and spoke out as she was still staring at her thin fingers, as if they were the most interesting thing in the world.

"Alex, everyone makes mistakes and this time it wasn't you. It was that bastards fault. First he threw you against the wall and while you were unconscious he tried to hurt the baby. From what I heard if it weren't for Chase over their Liam would have killed him." Dr.Damon spoke strongly.

Alex looked up and looked between Chase and Liam. They both looked murderous. Alex needed to know what he meant by that, but now was not the time to ask. She'd ask Liam later when they were alone. She knew he wouldn't hurt her, but Chris was another story. Liam was against violence against women.

"Hows the baby?" Alex asked quietly, afraid for the answer.

"The baby is in critical condition. You need bed rest and you need to eat. You need to be on your feet as little as possible. After losing so much blood we thought you lost the baby, you are very lucky the baby is still alive. Liam here has agreed to move in with you. You need someone to look after you 24/7 and since he is the father he agreed." Dr. Damon said looking right into Alex's eyes trying to gage her reaction. He found nothing but shock and he was glad. Dr. Damon excused himself.

"Chase and I will give you and Liam time to talk. We'll go grab some coffee." Sarah said, grabbing Chase's hand and practically dragging the poor guy from the room.

"Liam you don't have to babysit us." Alex said.

"It's not babysitting Alex. It's protecting you. I want both of you safe and sound. I would die if something happened to either of you when I could have done something to stop it from happening in the first place!" Liam stated quickly and breathlessly.

Alex leaned over to kiss his cheek, but at the same time she did, he had turned his head and their lips met. Alex wasn't sure what to do. Should she pull away or just sit their. His lips were so soft, moist and warm. Something Chris's never were. His were dry. She loved the feel of Liam's lips on hers. She didn't know she had closed her eyes until Liam licked her bottom lip asking for entrance. She hesitated for a brief second, before allowing him to explore her mouth. She'd never really kissed a man like this. She'd only ever given Chris quick pecks on the lips or cheek. This kiss was heated and she loved every second of it. She was breathless when Liam had pulled away.

Liam leaned forward on the bed again and this time he pecked her lips and pulled away. Alex was on cloud 9, that was until she heard commotion from the door way. She looked over and paled. Ashlynn stood in the door way fuming. Liam followed Alex's gaze to see why she paled and he cursed under his breath. Alex had nothing to worry about Chase and Sarah were trying to shew her away, but from the looks of it, it wasn't happening. Liam stood and walked over to the door to deal with her himself.

"What the hell Liam I thought Alex was a man?" Ashlynn asked accusingly.

"That's none of your concern. Leave us alone. Go home or go about your business. Don't start shit here. Alex's condition is too important right now." Liam stated quietly and harshly.

"No, I don't care if I make a scene. I want answers." Ashlynn screamed at him. Making Alex cringe.

"Let her in before she disrupts the rest of the hospital Liam. She can't hurt me or the baby."c Alex said rather calmly.

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