Chapter 25

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Alex kept nodding off and on. Liam and Jaiden stayed by her side. Alex stayed in the hospital for one month from waking up. Everytime she opened her eyes Liam would be there. Sometimes holding Jaiden and talking to him. Others just him sitting and watching her with love in his eyes. She'd never been loved so thoroughly. Alex slowly was getting her memory back. Slowly Alex kept having visions of the time between her fainting at six weeks to nineteen to twenty weeks of pregnancy. Alex could remember writing the letter. She remembers writing the will. Alex truly thought she wouldn't make it through surgery. The risk of death were so high, that's why she decided her child was more important than her own life. Why Alex never told anyone, the real reason she kept her mouth shut.

Jaiden who looks identical to his father. Jaiden who lost his sister and no one knows except Dr. Damon. Alex's heart still weeps for her daughter's death. Alex felt responsible. Nightly she weep when Liam would leave. Nightly she cried for Annabelle her dead daughter. Her heart aches and she knew no one could fix it. Only time, she knew she'd have to tell Liam, the problem was how could she tell him she killed their daughter.

The day Alex returned home she was surprised that Liam, Chase and Sarah set up a petal pink nursery. The furniture a soft off white with painted green leaves on them. The carpet had been changed to a tan color to compliment the room. She broke down they set up a little girls room. Her daughter was dead. Only her son survived. Why would they set up a girls room. The furniture was covered in plastic so she knew the room was unused. She quickly left the room and went into the next. Her head already pounding.

As she walked in the room the walls were sky blue, with patterns of the ocean and sand along the border. The furniture was similar to the other nursery, but this one had a beautiful star theme. There was no plastic covers on the cot or changing table so she knew it was being used. Liam had moved all his belongings to her bedroom. That's where he has slept since she went into the coma and had woken up.

Liam didn't know that Alex was returning home so soon. He'd gone to the grocery store to pick up groceries and formula. He saw Alex sitting on the couch oblivious to him while she sobbed. He quickly set the groceries down and went over to the sofa and pulled her into his arms. He realized she must have seen the rooms. Liam chastised himself for not putting the room back the way it was. Alex was suffering again because of him.

"I'm sorry I keep messing up Alex" Liam whimpers.

Alex stops sobbing and looks at him confused. What did he do? All he did was what any responsible father would do and make rooms for there children. He was amazing and she loved him all the more for it.

"You've done nothing wrong. How did you know? No one knew. I found out the sexes the day you went to resign from your job. When I got there in the ultra sound they found she had no heart beat. They took her right than and there. They said it may kill Jaiden otherwise if I waited. I killed one of my children I refused to kill the second one. I loved my children.....!" Alex said while sobbing.

"Listen to me! And listen closely! You didn't kill her. It just means she's our little angel. Our guardian angel. She'll stand by and protect Jaiden." Liam spoke than kissed her passionately. He'd missed her soft lips. Her supple body.

Alex pulled away breathlessly and put her forehead to Liam's. Both trying to catch thier breath.

"Where's Jaiden Liam?" Alex asked wanting to see him desperately.

"He's with Chase. Chase is showing him off. He's so happy. He's glad I found the right woman and adores you as well." Liam stated proudly.

"Oh, will he be back soon?" Alex asked hopefully.

"Yes. He should be here by 8pm. I told him there had better not be a scratch on him or I'd kill him and he knows I'm not joking either...." Liam said not caring how it sounded.

"I love you Liam, but sometimes you say scary things." Alex said whimpering slightly.

"I am sorry Alex, it's just you two are my world and I can't imagine a world without either of you." Liam said awe struck.

"Why don't you go take a hot bath while I go make us a romantic dinner for two before Chase gets back with our son?" Liam asked hoping she'd agree. He had planned to propose as soon as she was out of the hospital. Now was his chance.

Alex wanted to sit down and talk to both Liam and Chase about her cryptic letter and will. Shell do it tonight as soon as Chase and Jaiden arrived. They needed to know why she did what she and now that she had her memories back she planned to be honest.

Alex took an hour long hot bath and decided to get out as the water was getting cold. She looked at the little clock on her wall and saw it was only 5:36pm. She sighed heavily and got out. Making her way to the bedroom. After she'd gotten dressed she left the room and headed to the kitchen where Liam was. He was just finishing up as Alex walked in. She wrapped her arms around him and rested her head on his back, listening to his quickened heart beat.

"What's for dinner?" Alex asked curiously.

"Salad, steaks, mashed potatoes, pizza and champagne." Liam stated nervous as all hell. He prayed she'd say yes and make him the happiest man alive.

"Yum, but what's the occasion for the champagne?" Alex asked suspiciously.

"Uh...uh.... none just thought you'd like it..." Liam said nervously.

Alex and Liam sat down and quietly ate with small chit chat in-between courses. Liam was so nervous he'd almost knocked his glass over three times. This didn't go by unnoticed by Alex. At 6:45pm Liam asked Alex to close her eyes and she complied without hesitation. She trusted Liam with her life.

"Alex open your eyes..." Liam said nervously. He was bent down on one knee with a beautiful white gold engagement ring in the suede Tiffany and Co. box in between off while cream silk folds. Alex gasps not knowing what to think so she just waits for him to continue.

"Alex from the day I met you even when I thought you were a man I loved you and didn't want to admit it to myself. I love and I believe that for the rest of my life. No scratch that for the rest of my souls existence I will love you. Please forgive my mistakes and make me the happiest man alive and marry me?" Liam rushed out in one long breath. Now barely breathing he awaits her response.

"Liam, you know I love you. I have since I first saw you in your skivvies. Of course I'll marry you!!!" Alex exclaimed in pure joy.

" Oh thank God. For a brief second I thought you were going to deny me... I love you Alexandria Stone!" Liam said relieved.

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