Love Hurts-- don't try this at home

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Chapter 59

(August 18)

It was beautiful out.

Lorem was intrigued by the way the sun's light filtered through the leaves in the trees making them glow. She couldn't help a smile spread across her face as she stood in the middle of the glen in the front of the Salvatore's house. The grass under her bare feet and the wind brushing her face as the leaves rustled. It was picturesque. She tipped her head back once again to look at the dazzling leaves. It was so easy to get lost in the moment. It intrigued her greatly the difference from each of the human worlds. They were so alike and yet so strangely different.

Freedom overwhelmed her. Being alone for the first time since they had arrived made her want to sing. Absently she wondered if she could sing. Lorem bit her lip. She finally had her own body that everyone could see. She wasn't stuck in the minds of others or possessing humans. She was finally herself.

Almost, she chided herself, we are not quite whole yet.

It felt like she had waited centuries before she was able to come together like she had. It was all thanks to Percy. Inwardly she hated herself for taking Percy even if it was out of her control. She couldn't help but flash back to when he was tortured. As long as Lorem lived she would never be able to forget his screams and what he looked like . . . her nightmare that Keeli had accidentally entered reverberated against her mind. Holding Percy's heart above his corpse. . .

Tears rolled down her face, all of the joy of the setting ripped from her.

Suddenly her senses pulled her mind away.

She whirled around in time to catch a hand by the wrist just before it touched her shoulder. She could feel her eyes glowing brighter with emotion. Lorem wondered if Percy's human emotion was rubbing off on her.

Lorem looked up to find Damon staring down at her.

"You are crying," he said sincerely, she cocked her head, much like she had seen animals do inhumanly.

"Congratulations," she said, sounding almost robotic to herself, "Your eyes have a use." She didn't sound mean, just plain.

Unlike some human females Lorem held no shame over crying. Damon's eyes narrowed bringing back the sarcastic smirk she had come to expect from him. Lorem released his hand.

"Where is Percy?" she asked him, he took a step closer.

She didn't react, but knew that a human female may have blushed. But Lorem wasn't acting as she had last night as to keep from suspicion. She had gotten over her previous anger at the Vampire for surprising her that morning, he was just a child playing with something new.

"In the house," Damon told her. She could see hunger in his eyes, whether it was for her blood or something else Lorem was unsure, but instinct told her it was blood.

"I don't think you would live if you consumed my blood," she said as calmly as a normal human might have said, it may rain today. "I wouldn't recommend it anyway."

"Trying to scare me off?" he asked, his smirk growing. Lorem reached up with her hands and pulled her white hair to the side. She leaned her head to the right.

"You are welcome to commit suicide, I won't stand in your way," she said calmly. Lorem could see that he was immensely curious. But he hesitated.

"I think your boyfriend would kill me," Damon said trying to recover his coolness. Lorem let go of her hair and turned away from him. The wind pulled gently on her. She wished that she could take away Percy's memories of Annabeth. Lorem was not interested in any romantic relationship with Percy. The only thing she felt for Percy romantically was pain and self-hate for being the driving spike between him and the love of his life.

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