Chapter 69"Raphael!"
The vampire glanced up to see Lexy, one of the more rowdy vampires, stop at the top of the stairs, gaping at him. If vampires could be winded, he was certain that she would have qualified.
"What?" he asked.
"A demon," she said, "In the main chamber, he is asking to see you."
Raphael frowned. Demons. Raphael had seen three demons in his life time ever dare to come into the Vampire headquarters, and none of them had left alive. Even for a powerful demon, they couldn't take on a whole hoard of vampires. What could this one possibly want?
He followed Lexy up into the ballroom. It was already chaos. Vampires, high off of their return from the night, were racing around, some literally bouncing off of walls, crawling up onto the celling.
In the middle of the ballroom was a lone demon. He had strange horns growing out of one side of his face and looked to be very muscular. Other than these things, he didn't look spectacular in any sense, making his dare to come into his hotel stink of hubris.
The crowd of vampires parted for him as he made his way towards the intruder. Then he saw why none of his vampires had attacked him.
Magnus lay crumpled at the monster's feet. Raphael resisted the urge to go to his friend's aid and instead remained passive.
"You called?" Raphael said, making his voice sound bored.
"I have a message," the beast grumbled, "for the girl with white hair."
The vampires turned to one another, asking themselves who this monster was talking about. But Raphael knew. He remained silent as he waited for the message, praying that Lorem had stayed in the museum.
But to his left, the crowd parted again. And to his distaste, Lorem, in her sexy dress and bright eyes, walked out into the empty space.
Her face was emotionless as she walked purposefully towards the demon, her high heels clacking on the floor, echoing in the near silent room. Then suddenly her hands began to glow, a bright light that resembled the sun. Raphael couldn't look away as she lit up the room with her hands. His stomach went for a tumble as he realized that she was much more than a mere Warlock. If he didn't know better, she could have been an angel.
The demon saw her light and began backing away, leaving Magnus on the ground. She sped up, while still keeping the feminine grace of her walk as she stalked him down. The Demon's eyes went wide and he tripped, falling on his back. Lorem pounced on him, her knee pinning him to the ground and her arm at its neck and her fiery hand only inches from its face.
"Why shouldn't I melt your face off?" she asked rather sweetly. It would have been so easy for her to say in the same tone, why shouldn't I kiss you? But that might have been even more frightening. Lorem? Kissing a demon? That was a disturbing thought.
"I have a message for you," the demon said, rather panicked sounding. Then the Demon closed his eyes, as if remembering what he was to say, "To my dearest Love," as imperceptible as it was, Raphael saw her entire body go ridged, "I was so sad to leave you the other day. But I know that I will see you again soon. Your friend Magnus here was a huge help in locating you, my dear, and it is thanks to him that our friend, Mr. Jackson, is now with me. We are in the next world that you will jump into. I would like you to come and meet us in the Complete Tower that will be in this city. In hopes that you will join us as soon as you can, I have let your Shadow hunter friends live. They will be fine, for the most part. I can't wait to see you. With unending love, Militum. Oh," the demon said, "there was a P.S. he said to wear something nice."

Falling Through Portals
FanfictionPortals are one of the most interesting travel agents in the universe. They can get you anywhere, anytime, and anyplace. But for Percy Jackson, falling through a fandom portal was the last thing he needed. After being plucked from camp, Percy find...