Chapter 105"Hello!" the Doctor slapped the receptionist's desk. The human receptionist jumped and looked less than pleased to see new visitors. She even had one of those funny looking neck ties that Percy saw on plane stewardesses. No wonder she was in a bad mood.
"Can I help you?" she asked. Percy wondered if her neck handkerchief was constricting if you were trying to swallow something. It seemed like it could strangle you.
"Yes! Well maybe, probably not, but it is worth a go," the Doctor smiled. "I would like information about this place- like insider information. Schematics with big diagrams! And oh! Maybe a good scone!"
River put her arm through his and patted his hand, "I am sorry, my husband is only joking. We would like a tour."
Percy leaned toward Lorem, "Thank goodness one of them isn't mad."
Lorem shook her head slightly, "Something tells me she is going to prove you wrong on that account." Percy frowned and looked between Lorem and River.
The Receptionist pointed them toward the tour guide area with a plastered on smile. As soon as they were out of ear shot the Doctor turned to River.
"What was that for? I was doing fine!"
"You," River corrected, "were alarming."
Percy glanced back at the receptionist. The woman was watching them closely. He saw her eyes widen before she started speaking into a microphone.
It was probably nothing . . .
They made their way to the tour guide area and sat down in the waiting area for the next tour to start. The Doctor and River continued bickering and Percy busied himself by counting all of the cameras in the place. Ten, including the one in the gift shop. He mentioned it to Lorem and The Doctor cut in.
"Oh! A Gift shop! I love a gift shop. You know I have always thought the Tardis could use a good Gift shop. When there's a gift shop, you know it can't be all bad!" The Doctor said.
Percy snorted, "What would you do? Sell mini Tardis plushies?"
"Yes!" The Doctor pointed at him, "And Scones."
"He is right," River said looking up at the ceiling.
"I know I am, a Tardis gift shop would be cool." the Doctor adjusted his bowtie. River smacked him on the chest playfully.
"Not the gift shop you buffoon," she said and the Doctor looked offended, "a Wi-Fi producer has no need for so much surveillance. If there is one thing I have learned about people who are hiding something is that they are very protective of their investments."
"How could free Wi-Fi be an investment?" Percy asked.
The Doctor pointed at Percy, "That is a good point . . ."
A tour guide began rounding people up near the door and Lorem stood.
"Well I guess we are about to find out," she said.
But before they could take a step towards the tour guide two hooded men appeared at his elbow.
Percy nearly jumped out of his skin. His heart stopped when he recognized the dark reflection just beneath their hoods. Just like the fake Annabeth on the beach who had tried to kill him a while back. Their faces were like black mirrors . . .

Falling Through Portals
FanfictionPortals are one of the most interesting travel agents in the universe. They can get you anywhere, anytime, and anyplace. But for Percy Jackson, falling through a fandom portal was the last thing he needed. After being plucked from camp, Percy find...