Stepping on Toes

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Chapter 19

"Wow," Maxon said looking out at the view of the woods in the afternoon light.

"Yea," Percy smiled.

Maxon was so glad he was in a good mood. He had been working hard to keep Percy from thinking of the girl he lost. Maxon would glance over at his new friend when Percy thought no one was looking and see the hurt on his face. It was depressing to see the life fade from Percy's eyes as he teared up. Maxon felt it was his duty to keep him from thinking of her.

They had decided to spend the rest of the day riding horses. Percy was incredible. Maxon had never seen such a natural at horse rider. Midway through their ridding session, Maxon asked about it and Percy smiled.

"Well, I guess I have ridden horses but mine looks a little. . . Different," Percy said with a smile.

"How do you mean 'different,'?" Maxon asked amused. Percy rode next to Maxon.

Percy shook his head his head hesitantly.

"Well my horse is named Blackjack and he is a Pegasus," Percy said.

Maxon burst out laughing.

"You mean to tell me you have a winged horse?" Maxon asked incredulously. Percy thought it over as they trotted.

"Yep." He chuckled. Maxon laughed.

"That's incredible! I wish I could see a real one," Maxon said imagining strong wings growing from the side of the horse he rode. There was a lull in conversation as they headed to the feeding troughs.

"Maxon?" Percy asked thoughtfully.

"Hmmm?" Maxon replied.

"Do you love America?" Percy asked.

Maxon didn't need to breathe. His heart screamed and soared like an eagle: YES. The very thought of her red hair and beautiful face made his heart race.

"I do," Maxon said softly.

Percy looked at him. He stopped his horse and Maxon followed suit.

"Isn't this whole thing, the selection or whatever it is, so that you can find a wife?" Percy asked skeptically, "and if you love her, and she obviously likes you, why isn't the competition over?"

Maxon chewed on that question.

Yes he loved America. If he could, he would storm into the castle and demand she marry him that instant. But things were never that simple.

"America betrayed my trust," he said continuing onwards with his horse Percy followed. "I love her but I need to trust her if she is going to be my wife." Maxon hesitated, he didn't know if he should he really share all of this with Percy. But since the man had shared so much with him already he thought it was only fair. "Also my father dislikes her. It took everything just to let her stay after her last crazy episode."

"What happened?" Percy asked.

"It's a long story, but let's just say she messed up-Big, on national television," Maxon said.

Percy whistled.

"Girls are weird," Percy said after a minute.

"You got that right," Maxon chuckled.

Percy laughed, "Yea, Last week I was just minding my own business eating my blue cake at dinner and Annabeth comes over-"

Maxon tensed, he remembered America whisper that name when he as crying last night.

"-and she slaps me on the back of my head. She said it was because I had ignored her at the counselor's meeting and-" Percy stopped like he got stabbed in the gut. All the color went out of his face. "Annabeth," he breathed.

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