Into the Belly of the Beast

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Chapter 112

​Annabeth made her way back towards the little cave where she and Finnick had been staying.

Even if she knew what she was supposed to do, Annabeth would have gone back. If only to slap Finnick for getting her to spill secrets.

​It really wasn't his fault, as far as she could tell. Annabeth was more angry with herself than anyone else. Except whoever this master person was.

​Whatever the case, she needed Finnick. He was her only ally and her one instruction, to stay alive, would be twice as hard without him.
​The sun was already blistering this early in the afternoon. She was anxious to get under the cool rocks again. But When she finally found the hideout, she hesitated. They had not left on good terms. Or rather she hadn't. but things had changed. She knew the truth. She knew that Percy was alive.

​Even thinking the phrase in her head made her feel giddy. An honest smile quirked against her cheeks as she thought of her green-eyed man. Percy Jackson.

​Coaxing her features into a neutral expression, she slipped inside the cave.

​It was completely dark inside but at least ten degrees cooler.

​"Finnick?" Annabeth called into the darkness.

​When there was no response she figured, he was giving her the silent treatment. She crawled through the opening and into the main area where she could nearly stand up straight.

​"Finnick," she repeated more forcefully.

​Annabeth jumped when the sharp edge of a knife was pressed against her throat. The knife was held so firmly to her throat that if she said a word it would cut her skin.

​"Sorry to disappoint, sweet cheeks," a pair of lips whispered into Annabeth's ear, "Finnie isn't here right now."

​Annabeth stiffened as she recognized Annie's voice.

​"Luke and Finnie went to have some guy time," she said, "So now I have you all to myself."
​She grabbed Annabeth's hair and pulled as hard as she could.

​Annabeth let out a cry just before she used Annabeth's hair as leverage to throw her against the cave wall, barely removing her knife in time to save Annabeth from a permanent scar. Pain raced through her as the rocks scraped her skin. The fresh scent of copper filled the hideout.

​Annie stepped into the light coming from the opening, silhouetting her perfectly toned legs against the sunlight. The glint of the knife in her hand caught Annabeth's eye.

​"This is going to be such fun," Annie said.


​The garbage filled alley way turned instantly high-tech.

Percy's eyes widened at the steal brushed walls and blue, pulsing lights above. It reminded him of really slick looking space ships in movies.

​The figure he had been following looked completely different under light. Instead of a humanoid figure, he realized it was some sort of robot. The whirring of gears when it moved should have been an indication, but it still took him by surprise.

​Walking on the balls of his feet, Percy minimized the noise as he tailed the robot. while the building he had entered looked just as small as the doughnut shop, the hall he had entered seemed to go on forever. Just when he thought they had reached the end, the hall split off in four directions. Each time they came to a new intersection Percy hid just in case there was someone else there. But there was no one. Each time they came to a cross roads it was empty. All the while, the Robot was seemingly unaware of Percy's presence as it scooted along. Its shape reminded him of the droid R2-D2 in Star Wars. Although, if it had been R2, he probably would have definitely spotted Percy by now. Of all the mindless robots Percy had seen, this one really took the cake on the mindless scale.

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