Chapter 15
Percy sighed in relief. Her beautiful smile stared back at him. Her hair was pulled back into a pony tail and she wore white clothes with some slip on shoes. Those stormy grey eyes stared him down as she sauntered in. a large red tool box hung from one of her hands.
"Oh I am so glad you are here," Percy laughed, he nodded to the box, "You always come prepared."
She laughed and walked around him to the counter where she set her tool box down. Percy frowned.
"How did you get here?" Percy asked, straining against his restraints to see her, "Did you find a stone and come after me?"
She didn't answer as she opened her tool box. Her back was to him as she rummaged inside and pulled something out. Hopefully it was a pair of shears to get these horrible restraints off of him. After a moment of silence a chill entered the air. Percy opened his mouth to say something to her when he saw her hold up a blow torch and light it.
Something was wrong. Very wrong.
"Annabeth?" her name came out like a squeak.
She turned around, a wicked smile playing on her face as she held up the glowing blow torch, "Sorry, but I think you've got the wrong girl."
Percy's eyes widened. This wasn't Annabeth. No this was definitely not Annabeth.
"Who are you," Percy felt goose bumps cover his bare chest, "What are you doing?"
She stopped, looking suddenly sad, "Oh, I am sorry, my name is Kim. And I am about to fulfill my debt to the capitol. I am hoping that you will be cooperative in helping me." She smiled. It was like Annabeth was smiling at him except for something was broken about her.
"Do you need help baking cookies? Or maybe finishing some crème brulee? Because I would love to help you with that," even as Percy said it he could hear his voice shaking.
Kim laughed out loud, the burning flame of the blow torch making her look like a mad scientist.
"You see, Percy," she began.
Percy shivered, the way she said his name was the same as Annabeth.
"I was in prison," she leaned against the edge of his metal dentist chair, the flaming blow torch held slack in her hand over his chest. "For some rather nasty murders," she said sullenly. Percy felt his breath hitch. "And the capitol offered me either a quick and painless death, or . . ." she grinned darkly, "I could do some questioning," she touched his nose with her finger tip, Percy shuddered, "for them. And so!" she pushed back and displayed her arms wide, "Here we are!"
Percy could feel the blood drain from his face. The metal beneath him seemed to leech all of the warmth from his body. He could only stare at the psychotic version of Annabeth and tremble. Of all the sick jokes in the universe, this had to be the worst.
"Since you have clammed up pretty well already," she said, cracking her neck and rolling her shoulders, "I figure, we shouldn't waste any of our time. Don't you?"
Percy's mouth went dry.
Kim stepped up to the table and raised the blow torch. A savage grin spread across her face as she looked down at him.
"Let's get started shall we?"
I would like to warn my younger readers that the rest of the chapter will be graphic. The following contains violent description and gory scenes. If you are under thirteen I suggest skipping this chapter unless you feel mature enough to handle it.

Falling Through Portals
FanfictionPortals are one of the most interesting travel agents in the universe. They can get you anywhere, anytime, and anyplace. But for Percy Jackson, falling through a fandom portal was the last thing he needed. After being plucked from camp, Percy find...