Chapter 60The Vampire named Hanes carried the girl away from the mansion at super vampire speed. He had been immediately struck by the girl's beauty. It was a shame to knock her out before seeing the color of her eyes. They must have been nice. But he was more focused on getting the reward promised him. A daylight ring. He could finally go out in the sun, and see the sunset. Hanes would finally have the freedom to go and do whatever he wanted.
He smirked at the idea. He would be limitless.
Out of nowhere, his legs were kicked out from under him. Hanes fell, sprawled on the forest floor. The strange girl was thrown from his arms and landed a few feet away. Hanes snarled, letting his fangs show as he stood to see his opponent.
A white haired, pale, and slanted eyed vampire stood next to him only a moment before moving to get the girl. Hanes reached up and grabbed the other vampire by the leg and threw him against a nearby tree.
"She is mine," Hanes yelled at the other vampire who only hissed, "Get in my way and I will find a nice and sharp wooden stake for your chest."
Instead of answering, the other vampire kicked Hanes off of him. The strength in the vampire's legs sent Hanes flying into another tree. Hanes let loose a growl when the other vampire started towards the girl. He was not letting some other blood bag get his prize.
Flying at the other vampire, Hanes slammed the other vampire into the ground a few feet away from where the girl had landed. He had tried not to hurt the girl, but there was no telling what would happen if they tumbled on top of her whilst fighting.
Hanes dug his nails into the vampire's neck and pressed all of his weight onto his knee that he made sure to position so that it almost dug under his rib cage. The other Vampire groaned in pain. Hanes took that wonderful moment to grab the nearest tree limb, yank it off, and press it against the vampire's chest.
He could tell he had at least a few decades on the other vampire when he compared their strength. This little kid thought he deserved a ring to grant him days and nights? He was sorely mistaken. Hanes wanted to end him right there just for that. Hanes knew the agonizing days, months, and years forever lock behind doors like the back of his hand. He knew the lust for the sun against his skin like the lust for blood. There was more than one time that he was so desperate to see the sun that he ran outside. After screaming and momentarily being burned alive, he went back inside.
This puny blood sack was getting nothing.
With immortal strength, he shoved the branch into the other vampire's chest. Fresh blood slid over Hanes's hands. The devil must have drained one of the people in the town on his way there. Hanes stood and listened carefully for anyone lurking around. After he had convinced himself that there was no one there he knelt and picked up the girl, his bloody hands dying her pale skin red.
Hanes ran.
He knew there were at least a dozen other vampires revenging the city trying to find the girl. Lucky for Hanes, he knew Catherine who had fallen for the Salvatore brothers who lived in Mystic Falls. It was simple deduction to figure out that if there was someone special there, the brothers would have her.
The ransack manufacturing building was just ahead. Based on the sign so faded it could have been from the 1800s, he guessed that it was empty. Hanes gave his hair a shake, trying to restore the controlled wildness of his curls after all of that running. He kicked open the door.
Swimming with darkness, the floor of the warehouse was empty. High above, the celling had a huge hole in it that let the moonlight dance through the swirls of dust in the air. Under the moonlight, a young girl laid on the ground, staring up through the gaping hole at the moon.

Falling Through Portals
FanfictionPortals are one of the most interesting travel agents in the universe. They can get you anywhere, anytime, and anyplace. But for Percy Jackson, falling through a fandom portal was the last thing he needed. After being plucked from camp, Percy find...