Chapter 85Percy screamed in pain when he hit the ground.
His ninja roll ended in a crumpled, shaking heap. Shocks of pain raced through him. It was like he could feel each of his nerves being drenched in acid.
What had that thing done to him?
Percy was surprised he hadn't healed yet. He should have gone to the ocean to heal the moment the hooded woman was dead. Percy could tell he was going to pay for that decision. Instead of dwelling on that, he lay on the dusty ground with the hooded woman's blood drenched cloak. The black blood covered him like tar. He really hoped it wasn't actually tar. His really liked how his trousers fit him.
"Percy," Lorem called out to him, "Are you okay?"
He didn't have the energy to respond, let alone wanting to risk sending more shocks to his system.
Lorem was silent for a moment. He heard her set Militum on the ground gently before walking over to him. Percy could feel her presence and inched away from her imminent touch with a grunt.
"Okay," Lorem said cautiously, "I won't touch you, but you need to tell me what happened."
Percy grimaced.
"Dark energy ball,"
Lorem was silent. He hoped that in her vast banks of new power she might have some knowledge about these hooded creatures.
"I don't know . . ." she began before sighing, "Can you walk?"
Percy didn't bother answering.
"I am going to go find water . . . I think you will be okay here," Lorem dropped something small in front of his closed eyes. "Squeeze this stone if something bad happens and I will find you, okay?"
"We should have started using these sooner," Percy stuttered out.
Lorem chuckled a little before leaving him in his misery.
Lorem Looked back worriedly as she took in the small shelter of tree roots and pine needles. Militum looked terrible. She didn't know how to help him. Lorem frowned.
Why should she help him? He tried to kill Percy and was going to force her into slavery. If she left him alone maybe he would die and then that problem would wrap itself up. The thought felt sour and she quickly focused on something else.
Like always she was completely unaware of where they had landed. She could see a blue sky through the green leaves of the trees above. Nothing seemed very distinctive . . .
A hint of strange music flittered through the air. Lorem frowned and began moving faster over the ground. Her limbs felt more agile and strong than before. Soon she spotted a wide clearing up ahead. Lorem cocked her head as she took in some of the rather strange looking creatures who were entering a fortress that perched on the edge of a large lake.
Lorem weighed her options. She didn't see any water immediately, but with the amount of green trees it shouldn't be too hard to find. A doctor would be better than water . . . then again Percy is a Demigod and who knew what Militum really was? Despite the time crunch and leaving Percy and Militum virtually defenseless, she was drawn to the fortress. She felt like something big was about to happen.
Pursing her lips, she shifted her clothes into boots, pants, a dark blue tunic, and a black hood. Pulling the hood up over her white hair, she set off towards the entrance to the fortress.

Falling Through Portals
FanfictionPortals are one of the most interesting travel agents in the universe. They can get you anywhere, anytime, and anyplace. But for Percy Jackson, falling through a fandom portal was the last thing he needed. After being plucked from camp, Percy find...