Chapter 61
Colors, they were everywhere. Women's hair. Men's hair. Skin, eyes, lips, and even a single body part.
Annabeth found out that it was the new trend to just have your ear dyed one color different from the rest of you. Despite her best tries to focus on who Finnick was introducing her to and what food she was eating-
Oh! That guy had a silver one!
It was so strange.
"Sorry?" Annabeth said turning to Finnick. He and the bright pink haired girl he was talking with were both staring at her.
"She asked you what sort of things you have been doing recently," Finnick said, holding onto her arm a bit tighter. Annabeth forced a smile.
"Oh, yes of course," Annabeth said, "I have been doing some studying up on archeology." Both her companion and the pink haired girl blinked. Did they not know what that was? "The study of things that are buried or recovered from times long past," Annabeth said with a knowing smile.
"Ah," the girl said, "right," the girl turned to Finnick and asked him about different capitol things. He must have done a good portion of studying up on current events, because he always knew more about every single topic she brought up. It was genius really. He had to be a social shark, know everything, and own the crowd. If he knew everything, no one could catch him unawares. That was where his confidence came from it seemed,
Annabeth was already regretting choosing such high heels by the time they sat down for the main event. The stage before them was set up rather plainly, only a chair and a love seat decorated the platform. Claudius welcomed them with his bright blue hair and vibrant laugh. Annabeth wondered if he too felt like he needed to know everything in order to feel confident.
Then they came out.
Annabeth gripped the armrests.
Katniss Everdeen, the girl on fire.
She couldn't breathe.
Peeta Mellark, the boy with bread.
He was more handsome than she had imagined him.
Katniss's hair was curled around her face and she wore the yellow dress that Annabeth could never forget. She wore that dress to look innocent. Katniss was not a rebellion starter. She was a simple girl that fell in love. The forced smile, the smile for the crowd played on the girl's face. Annabeth remembered how badly she wanted to get off the stage and not face it. Not face Snow. Too bad it wouldn't matter. Everything would fall apart soon.
Annabeth knew the feeling.
Peeta looked smashing, and beaming. He knew the risks. He also knew that they could be killed still. But he was holding Katniss's hand. That was enough for him. He loved her so much. Nothing mattered but holding onto her hand.
Annabeth felt like she had been stabbed in the chest. She couldn't take her eyes from the look that Peeta had when he looked at her. The way that Percy had looked at her . . .
The way that he had looked at her before . . .
Percy had looked . . .
Percy. . .
"Annabeth?" Finnick squeezed her hand. She looked at him. Annabeth was stunned to find her face to face with the same love that Peeta had for Katniss. Finnick . . . Finnick loved her?

Falling Through Portals
FanfictionPortals are one of the most interesting travel agents in the universe. They can get you anywhere, anytime, and anyplace. But for Percy Jackson, falling through a fandom portal was the last thing he needed. After being plucked from camp, Percy find...