Chapter 87Finn had just finished loading up whatever cargo his new employers had bought from Maz when the ships began swarming over head.
He recognized those noises. After all he had grown up among them.
Finn was sprinting back towards the Castle before the first Stormtroopers hit the ground. Aliens and all sorts were running and screaming as the first missiles were launched at the massive fortress. They fled towards their ships, but they had only a few more moments to leave before it became a warzone. Finn knew how they worked.
He could not believe how stupid he had been. Leaving Rey all alone? What was he thinking? He had to get her out of there. He should have grabbed her and forced her to come with him. This was all a mess.
Running against the crowd, he eventually got back inside the main bar area. He spotted Han and Chewie in the back of the room and began making his way towards them.
"The First Order," Finn said breathing hard, "They've done it." he glanced around only to see a white haired girl and Maz. "Where's Rey?"
"I think she ran out of here," Han turned to Chewie, "Did you see her at the ship?"
The big guy made a few noises which Finn barely understood as no.
"Sorry to interrupt," the white haired girl said, "But seeing as the building is about to be destroyed, would you like to move this conversation outside?"
Finn narrowed his eyes at the girl before turning. He was about to run back out when Maz's hand grabbed his.
"First, come with me," she insisted.
A tiny bit scared, Finn followed her down some stairs despite a new itch to get out of there. Walking quickly, their group go to the end of the hall.
"I've had this for ages . . ." she says.
She opened an old wooden chest on the floor. Maz grabbed a silver cylinder from inside it and held it out to him. His eyes widened as he realized what she was holding. Could it be? He had only heard stories about such a weapon?
"Keep it locked away," she said.
"Where'd you get that?" Han sounded astonished.
"A good question for another time," she said before looking at Finn, her eyes were incredibly startling under her goggles, "Take it! Find your friend!"
Rey's eyes appeared in his mind. He had to find her.
It didn't take a moment's contemplation before he grabbed the Lightsaber.
The room shook and dust fell from the celling from the attack above.
"Come 'on lover boy," Han said grabbing his shoulder.
Finn doesn't respond as they ran towards the fight. As they scaled the stairs he realized that the whited hair girl had disappeared.
Lorem had ditched the group and run outside. Men covered in white armor were attacking everywhere. Creatures who had been killed laid all around the ground. She swallowed hard.
The metal, now melted to her arm, thankfully didn't restrict her. Lorem dashed through the war zone towards the forest she had left Percy and Militum in. careful to avoid getting caught in the cross fires of the troops and whatever left of the creatures defense there was.
Lorem tripped on some debris sending her down to the ground. A hundred bruises from earlier made her wince. But she had to keep moving. Getting back up, her arm was blasted by one of the white-clad troops. She was thrown back with the force, but the metal on her arm protected her from any real damage. Breathing hard, she leaned against a broken piece of stone. She had to keep going.

Falling Through Portals
FanfictionPortals are one of the most interesting travel agents in the universe. They can get you anywhere, anytime, and anyplace. But for Percy Jackson, falling through a fandom portal was the last thing he needed. After being plucked from camp, Percy find...