The Guard and the Beautiful

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Chapter 61 (prt 2)

    "Bring the sword," the little girl said excitedly to the vampire on her right, "I want to watch her dance," she said with stomach rolling smile. The vampire just about jumped to provide the need.

    Lorem was still paralyzed on the ground, forced to stare up into the devil filled eyes of the possessed girl. The child had to have been born with incredible power unbeknownst to herself. Unfortunately, this gave the being inside her access to that power. Lorem didn't understand why she couldn't access her own power. But she was just about as good as a human against the vampires and devil-child.

    The Child knelt down next to Lorem's face. Her youth achingly obvious. She brushed a few white hairs out of Lorem's face.

    "You are extraordinarily beautiful," the child purred. Lorem's consciousness brushed up against the spirit that possessed the human child. Her consciousness retreated from its touch. If it wasn't for the spell over her body she would have run as far away from it as possible. The child smiled as it felt her squirm.

    Her stomach twisted as she felt revulsion poison her tongue. It was a male spirit, and not one that she was familiar with. So much of her knowledge and memory were waiting in another stone. She wished to know just what she was dealing with.

    The only thing that she could get from the touch of his consciousness was how dark it was. Death for this creature would be a blessing.

    "Don't touch me," Lorem snapped. Fire flared beneath the child's eyes. Lorem's vision split as she saw the child grab her face in its small hands so that it could examine it further. The other half of her vision let her see a man in the child's place, he was dressed in darkness and evil intent in his cold, dark eyes. She could feel his large hands on her face. Her skin crawled painfully under his touch.

    He smiled at her, the child version was disturbing enough when it smiled, but the man . . .

    "When we get your human hybrid out of the way," he said, she heard the child's high pitched voice under toned by a deep manly voice, "Then we can have some real fun," his voice purred like a predatory animal. 

    He forced some of his thoughts from his mind against hers. Lorem shut her eyes, bracing for the images. Her body shook and crawled when they entered her mind.

    He laughed at her mockingly, split with the child's airy laugh.

    Releasing her, he waved his hand. Her body was free, but her magic was still not accessible. In a moment she was standing. The devil spirit may have been handsome if it didn't have the presence of darkness around it. He shot her a look, his child's body encased with the dark shell of his true form.

    "Give her the sword," he said to the vampire who had retrieved the blade. The vampire dropped it at her feet. She picked it up. "You and I both know that I can make you do exactly what I want," he said to her, the insufferable purr on his tongue and dominance in his eyes. She hated to know that he was right. "But I need to know that you will not get killed claiming the life of your hybrid. So," he- and the child- motioned with his hand, Lorem felt magic, like invisible chains, wrap around her wrists and mind, "the last one standing gets a ring," he said with a devilish smile as he gazed to the vampires around them.

    Lorem's legs turned to butter, she couldn't help but look at the vampire already dead on the ground next to her.

    "Be my champion, Beautiful," he whispered into her ear. The spell took hold.



    Damon was running faster that he had run in decades. Through the trees, over logs, and even on top of some streams. He followed her quickly fading scent through the forest.

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