Cat Eyes Bro-mance

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Chapter 62

    Percy landed abruptly in the middle of a loud room. It was packed with people all dancing to a strange but rhythmic music. The air pounded with the drum beat and the thrashing of moving bodies. Laser lights pierced the darkness of what looked like a club scene. Glitter covered the floor and most of those around him. It smelled like a strong spice and the mix of too many perfumes. He stumbled upon landing and ran into a guy who was in the midst of dancing.

    "Oh, sorry-" Percy said as the guy flipped to reveal a pair of fangs and an evil smile.

    "Get out of here filth," the vampire hissed. Percy was so done with vampires. Not wanting any trouble he took the guy's advice and weaved his way through the throng of dancing people. Fortunately, he was not still in the same vampire realm as they had been before. Around him were people who had different colored skin tones or scaly skin, pointed ears, or a whole mess of other combinations. Where had he landed?

     Once he broke from the crowd of dancers, he found himself facing a floor to ceiling window. Out the window was . . .

"New York," Percy breathed. His heart surged.

Almost by fate, the window he was looking out of faced the Empire State Building. Its lights were on, shining out to all of the mortals. But somehow, he could feel that this wasn't his world. There were no creatures like he had seen moments before in the crowd in his world. At least none that wouldn't rip him apart on sight. 

But Percy had too many things to worry about without home sickness.

Turning on his heel, he faced the dancers. His eyes scanned the crowd. Now he had someone else to worry about other than himself, which had been very evident based on their experience at the Salvatore house. He was going to have a talk with her.

Lorem had skillfully avoided giving the full details of everything that had happened when she had been kidnapped. She had secrets already. Even though it was evident that some of her knowledge was lacking in some ways already, some how she had knowledge that he didn't have. Percy was frustrated, but managed to keep the punch bowls -or whatever liquid was in the bowls for drinks- from exploding.

Then his eyes caught sight of white hair.

It was like a beacon in the colored lights, lighting up every time a laser passed over her head. She was making her way towards him through the crowd. There were some creatures that reached for her as she passed them. Before Percy could even react, little sparks lit on her fingertips. The hands disappeared. Lorem walked out of the crowd unchallenged. Sparks extinguished, she stood before Percy. He looked her over. Her modest navy blue dress had been exchanged for a bright red mini-dress. Her gold eyes shone in the darkness with intelligence and cunning. Her light skin and white hair made her dress stand out like blood on snow. On her feet she wore gold strappy heels that matched her eyes. Her hair was wild with glitter and an attractive messy that made most guys go crazy. It was no wonder that even after she had left the crowd many eyes were still on her.

Percy blinked.

Aside from Annabeth, Lorem was the most stunning woman he had ever seen. After seeing her in modest knee length dresses for so long, and only having her visible to himself, it had made her seem like more of an entity than an actual person. But in that dress. . .

"What are you wearing?" Percy almost choked. She looked down, as if not knowing completely herself.

"I wanted to fit in," Lorem told him in her single tone voice. Percy rolled his eyes.

"Well you certainly didn't think about that too thoroughly," he said. She frowned.

"Are you angry with me?" she asked, her single tone voice making Percy's emotion riding voice seem animalistic.

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