Chapter 4

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Sasori's pov.

Kyoko walks right over to where i had my puppets out and she was looking really hard at one of the ones i had made for her a few years ago when she said she would be a great ninja just like her dad. when i told her the puppet was free because it was her she had a confused look on her face until recognition dawned on her. "is that really you Sasori?" she whispers as she leans in closer to me. "yes." i whisper back and a smile shows up on her face. i may not like anyone in the Akatsuki but i had a small soft spot for this young girl. she loved my puppets and it was nice to see this little girl ask if she could have a puppet to dance with so she could go to a ball. a few days later Itachi came to me asking if i really would make a puppet for her as a friend seeing as her birthday was in a month. i shake my head a little to rid those thoughts.

"why are you here?" she asks as she leans back to look over the puppets again. Deidara comes up behind her and hugs her. she just about screamed until Deidara let her go. "Kyoko will you get me ice cream?" Deidara asks her which makes her smile. she looked more relaxed around us now and i think it was because we didn't look like ourselves and because we were someone familiar that she knew. "letter?" Deidara asks as he holds out his hand. Kyoko pulls something out of her pocket before slowly handing it to him. "how is he?" she asks in a little voice and i knew she was talking about her dad. "Kyoko do you miss me?' Itachi asks as he walks over with something in his hand. she tuns and gives him a smile as he hands her one of the things in his hand.

Itachi's pov.

Kyoko was giving me a big smile as she takes the dango from me. i had missed her a lot so it was good to see her smiling so much. Deidara holds up the letter for me to see and i roll my eyes before taking it from him. "Kyoko is there someplace we can go talk without anyone worrying about you?" Sasori asks. she was about to say something but a blond haired boy comes running over and grabs Kyoko's arms. "What ya looking at Kyoko?" he asks. i knew this was the nine tails and it hurt to see this boy hanging all over her. "puppets. they are kind of cool right Naruto?" she asks as she picks up the one that looks like her and holding it up to him. "they are really creepy. come on Kyoko let's go get some ramen!" Naruto yells which makes Kyoko flinch a little. she drops the puppet as she is dragged away from us. "are you ok with him taking off with your kid like that?" Deidara asks in a soft tone. he never talked like that unless Kyoko was around. i nod my head a little before giving a small sigh. "let's go read what she has written then we can try getting her alone to talk with us." i say before turning my back on them. i can hear them picking up things quickly before following me.

Kyoko's pov.

Naruto pulls me to the ramen stand and i sigh a little as i sit there eating my bowl of ramen. it was a little sickening to watch Naruto eat so much so i only had one and i told him he had to pay for his so once i was done eating i pay my bill. "Kyoko i didn't like the way those men were looking at you. they acted as if they knew you or something." Naruto says when he looks over at me. i shake my head a little and look around behind me.  i was only going to the store when i got swiped up in all of this. i really should get going.  "Naruto don't worry so much about it. they just found me interesting because i liked the puppets." i say before blushing a little. i wasn't used to having people care so much about me because all my life all i ever had was my father. i sigh a little before standing from my seat. "where are you going?" Naruto asks with a mouth full of ramen. i smile at him before looking around behind me. "i need to get to the store so i can start making dinner. it was nice talking with you Naruto." i say before giving him a closed eyes smile. when i look at him again he was blushing a lot and wouldn't look at me. i leave and head to the shop i was going to before picking up all i needed before heading home.

when i get there something didn't feel right and i was a little afraid to go into the house but i finally do. i walk slowly and cautiously throw the house and into the kitchen. there was nothing out of place and i was starting to think i had imagined it all as i put the things away quickly. i walk quietly to my room and i was about to sit on my bed when a hand covers my mouth and arms go around my waist. i was about to bite the person holding me until i see someone familiar standing in front of me. "sorry about that Kyoko." Sasori says and the hands on me leave. i turn to see what was holding me only to see one of his puppets standing there. "Why are you here?" i whisper and Sasori gives a little laugh. "i was going to leave a message here for you. but seeing as your here i can just tell you." Sasori says. i stand there in a little bit of shock. "Itachi wants to meet with you. here is the time and place." Sasori says as he hands me a slip of paper. i take it and when i look up he was gone. i sigh a little before looking around when i hear footsteps walking to my room. i put the paper in my pocket and the door opens. i look up to see Sasuke who looked a little tired and walks over to me.

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