Chapter 12

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~3 years later~

Kyoko's pov.

tomorrow is my 10th birthday and dad promised to take me to a dango shop if he got back in time. about a year ago he told me the truth of what was happening and why he is doing what he is doing. he also told me all about how he was dying which had made me cry for several hours. "Kyoko come here please. " Konan yells and i leave my room to see what she wanted. i still stayed in the same room as dad but it didn't bug me much. "you need me for something Konan-chan?" i ask as i walk into the kitchen to see a pot bowling over and she was working on something else. "could you help me out dear?" she asks and i nod my head. i did a lot of cooking with Konan lately, she acted very much like my mother. it didn't take us long to finish cooking and i sigh a little. i missed spending time with Naruto and uncle Sasuke. i had been very lonely lately. "Konan do you think...." i start before looking at the ground not able to finish my sentience. "Kyoko you can ask me anything." Konan says. i sigh before nodding my head trying to build up my courage when Hidan and Kakuzu walk in making me run back to mine.

i lay in bed half asleep when the door to my room opens making me tense up. soon the bed dips and arms wrap around my waist pulling me back. "i'm home Kyoko." dad says as he kisses my check. now that i knew he was home and safe it was easy to fall asleep. dad wakes me the next morning and like he promised we went to a dango shop like every year. we were near the sand village so dad had changed his outfit so he wouldn't stand out as we eat, we both left our head bands at the hide out again so we didn't stand out. as we were eating some ninja walk in and they sit near us, i could tell that they were from the leaf village. "did you hear that the Hokage is still looking for Sasuke Uchiha as well as some little girl that was kidnapped by the Akatsuki?" one of them says. i stiffen a little as i look at my dad, he shakes his head a little before looking down at his tea. "it's a shame because of his recent activity's. anyways we heard the reports about a girl who matches the description so we need to find her and see if she is the one that went missing." the other said.

once we were done eating dad takes my hand as we left. he looks over at the men who had been talking about uncle Sasuke. "what do you want to do now sweetheart?" dad asks as we walk. he never took me out like this so something bad must be going on. "can we go into the sand village and find a nice place to have dinner later tonight?" i ask excited that i was out of the hide out. "sure thing sweetie." dad says as he puts his hand on my head and messes up my hair. "dad stop that." i say as i bat his hand away. he smiles at me and we walk for a while until i noticed we were being followed. "dad?" i ask and he nods before tilting his head to the right. "excuse me can we have a minute of your time?" one of them says as they grab my arm pulling me to a stop. "let go of my daughter." dad says as he pulls me away from them and they look shocked. "we thought she was someone else." the one who didn't grab me says before they both run away from us. "let's go sweetheart we can come back later tonight." dad says as we walk away from the village and back to the post town that was close by. "so what do you want for your birthday?" dad asks ad he puts his arm around me pulling me closer to him. i look at the ground before looking shyly up at him.

"something to show i'm part of the clan." i finally say and he smirks a little before shaking his head a little. "alright baby, i think i can do that for you." dad says. dad rarly called me baby so it made me happy to hear that from him. "daddy, i miss Naruto. i know i was only supposed to tell you what he knew but we were friends." i say as i let my head fall. he sighs a little before kissing the top of my head. "i know you do and i was thinking that you should go make some new friends." he says and we walk over to a stand that had toys. we look them over before he picks up an ANBU mask that looked like a crow and holds it up to my face. "you look cute with that baby doll." he says before giving a small laugh. i blush a little before looking over at a boy who was my age. the boy smiles at me before walking over and stopping next to me before he picks up a little toy ninja. i feel a pull on my arm and dad places the mask on my head. "we have to head back now." he says. i sigh as dad pulls me away before looking back at the boy only to see the man who had grabbed me earlier standing where the boy had just been with the toy still in his hand. "dad are they following us?" i ask as i look back over at him. dad doesn't say anything just pulls me into a big building and i look around stunned. "Kyoko those leaf ninja are looking for you and now that they found you i don't think they are going to stop chasing you." dad says as he brushes some lose hair behind my ear. he had a pained look in his eyes and i was afraid that he was going to leave me.

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