Chapter 16

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Kakashi's pov.

it had been a month and a half and Kyoko was quite. she hadn't said a word to anyone but me and she hardly ever left my house except at night. i had followed her a few time worried that she might be meeting with someone but that wasn't the case, she went to the old Uchiha village and to Sasuke's house before going into a room. she would sleep in there or just sit there and cry. i felt bad for her and wanted to help her in some way but knew that she would refuse my help even if i tried to give it to her. she was a stubborn girl sometimes which was flustering at times but on other occasions it came in handy. Kyoko walks over to me as i think over how i could get her to open up to anyone at all. "Kakashi-sensei.....i'm sorry." Kyoko says as she sits next to me and looks over at me. i sigh softly before placing a hand on her shoulder. "Kyoko if you want we can talk about what happened." i say and she stiffens a little before relaxing as she looks into my eyes.

"the others hate me and my father died. there isn't really anything to talk about." she says a small frown on her face. it was true the few times she had talked with people from the village they had yelled at her for lieing to them. Naruto and Sakura were a little more understanding especially when i explained to them that she was just a little girl who was only doing as her father asked and it wasn't anything wrong, it was just misunderstood. "Naruto and Sakura don't hate you. they just don't understand what happened." i say and she nods slowly. i noticed that she had the Uchiha clan symbol on her at all times and a few people had thrown things at her for it, not because she was the child of Itachi but because of the fact that she was wearing the Uchiha symbol. "i wouldn't know, they haven't come to see me or even try to talk to me. i thought we were friends but i guess not." Kyoko says in a hollow tone and i frown a little at how depressed she looked right in this moment. "i know they might be trying to give you time to morn over your loss." i finally say and a small smile graces her lips for the first time in a month. "i'm kind of hungry." she finally says and i nod my head having thought as much. "alright i'll go get you something to eat." i say beore standing and i mess up her hair a little.

Kyoko's pov.

i waited until Kakashi was gone before grabbing my bag as well as dad's before heading to dad's old house. i set my things on his bed and sigh softly. i jump a little when i hear footsteps behind me. "Kyoko what are you doing here?" Naruto asks and i turn to look at him a surprised look on my face. he smiles sheepishly and rubs the back of his head as he looks me over. "i'm sorry about the way i acted the day we brought you back. i was a little suprised is all and i shouldn't have acted that way." he says and i turn away from him. "Naruto could you back up a few steps please?" i ask not looking back at him because i feel like he was invading my last safe haven, the last peace of my father i had left that was physically reachable. "sure thing Kyo-chan." he says and i hear the sound of him stepping back several times before i turn to look at him now in the hallway. i sigh softly as i leave my things where they were before walking out of the room and over to him. "that was my dad's room you know." i say as i look over at my shoulder at the room. "i'm sorry, i really am and i don't hate you for what happened." he says before pulling me into a hug that was so warm and loving. i start to cry hard into his shoulder and he smooths down my hair. "Kyoko everything is going to be alright. i'm going to keep you safe and make you happy again." Naruto says letting me cry my heart out to him.

"Naruto it hurts so much. i miss him so much and it hurts. my chest hurts and i feel like i can't breath right anymore. why did third have to happen? why my daddy?" i cry and his hug tightens around me before i feel another set of arms around me. i don't know who else it was but i cried until i was hiccuping and had a red noise. Naruto and the other person let me go and i look to see who it was only to give Sakura a small smile. "let's get you cleaned up." Sakura says as she pulls me into the bathroom and cleans my face. she smile at me before she looks me over slowly. "i'm sorry. i'm so very sorry that you lost your dad." she says before pulling me into a hug. i didn't know what to do or even say to her. for the last mounth i had thought the two people who were like my family hated me because of who i grew up with and what i might do to them. "i..." i start but just snap my mouth shut when she looks into my eyes. "come on, lets go get you some dumplings." she says before pulling on my arm. "i'll be right there i want to change first if that's ok with you." i say and she nods her head and heads over to where Naruto was. i slip into dad's room and change quickly into the top Pain had given me and a pair of dad's old pants before pulling my hair up into a bun and putting on the earrings that matched my necklace and bracelet that i hadn't taken off since dad had put them on me.

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