Chapter 10

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Kyoko's pov.

it felt like it had been ages since Sasuke had left as well as my dad. i had been keeping mostly to myself the last few days seeing as how i had nothing better to do and no one to really spend time with. i was walking to the small shop that sold dango because i really wanted something sweet when i see that red head from the exams and he was watching me closely. i ignore him and walk quickly to the shop before sitting down and ordering food. i felt like he was watching me still but i ignored it as i waited for my food to finish. i feel something wrap around my left leg and i tilt my head slightly to the left before movement to my right catches me off guard. "your not afraid of me are you girl?" the red head ask from next to me and i look over at him to see the same blank look on his face as before. "i guess not, not a lot of things scare me. should i be scared of you?" i say as i turn my attention back to the woman who was making my food.

i loved to watch her work but now that was ruined by this boy who was talking cryptically. "you should be, everyone else is." he finally says and that makes me look at him. "not everyone is the same, i'm sure deep down your a nice guy but you don't give anyone a chance to see it." i say and smile a little when the sound of the plate full of dango was set in front of me. he snorts a little when i turn away from him to look at me treat. i pick up a dango stick ready to eat it when i feel a hand on my arm stopping me from eating. "you should leave now." he says as whatever was around my leg starts to tighten and pull on me a little. "i'm not leaving until i eat my dango." i say and he relaxes a little the pulling on my leg stopping. i pull my arm away from him before munching on the first dango on the stick.

it was a little weird that he was watching me eat but i didn't think much of it as i eat my sweets happily. "why are you still here watching me?" i ask as i look over at him knowing the sauce was on my face. he reaches out to wipe my face but i shrink away from him not liking people touching my face when i was eating. "so i do scare you?" he asks as he pulls his hand back. i shake my head seeing as how my mouth was full. "not at all, i just don't like to be touched when i'm eating." i say before taking another bite. he looks away from me and over at the emptiness behind us. once i was done i wipe my face clean and finally look down to see sand wrapped around my foot. "sand?" i ask and that catches the red heads attention. "leave this village." he says before leaving me stunned, the sand falling off my leg and following him. 'that's right, that's the sand guy who hurt the frog wanna be.' i think as i head home.

Naruto's pov.

it was finally the day of the final exams. i was walking to Kyoko's so we could go together to the arena. i knock on her front door and she opens it looking sleepy. "morning Naruto." she says as she rubs her eyes which i had to say was really cute. i grab her hand ready to pull her away but she was still in her pj's. "Kyoko your not ready to go yet?" i ask as she pulls me into the house. "sorry Naruto, i had a late night last night." she says and points to the couch. i sit as she dances out of the room to hers probably to change her cloths. when she came back she was dressed up in her normal ninja gear but her hair was up different, she normally had it in a pony tail but today it was pulled up in a bun. "ready to go." she says before her stomach makes a growling sound. i laugh a little as i take her hand and we walk to a shop to grab some food before the fights start. Kyoko smiles up at me when we get a big bag full of dumplings that i paid for not like i really cared because Kyoko was my friend. Kyoko was munching on one happily on a dumpling as we walk, i had one to but to be honest i didn't really like them i was only eating one so she didn't feel bad about me getting them for her.

"how did your training go? i hope you win your fight Naruto." Kyoko says as she skips next to me. i never really noticed how much of a little kid she was until then. "good i guess, you'll see what happened. i'm going to get you a seat by Sakura before heading to where i have to go." i say as i mess up her hair. it wasn't hard to find Sakura who was sitting by Ino. "Sakura-chan would you mind if Kyoko-kun sat with you?" i ask as my team mate looks up at me. she sighs a little the moment her eyes land on Kyoko. "whatever. Kyoko did Sasuke come home last night?" Sakura asks and Kyoko pauses with a dumpling touching her lips."nii-chan never came home last night then again he could have and i would have noticed. it's possible that he left early this morning." Kyoko says a small frown on her face as she sits in the row in front of Sakura now munching on her dumplings but not as excitedly like before. i was about to leave when i feel arms around me. "good luck Naruto-kun. i believe in you winning your match." Kyoko says as she lets her arms drop. i smile at her before running to where i needed to go.

Sakura's pov.

once Naruto was gone i look over Kyoko who looked like she was dead on her feet. i might not like her because Sasuke is sweet to her but she acted more like his little sister. "Sakura why did you ask the little girl about Sasuke?" Ino asks and i look over at her. Kyoko looks back at us and i could see the bags under her eyes but she shook her head before turning back to the ring as she shoves a dumpling in her mouth. "Kyoko lives with Sasuke. he treats her like his little sister." i say and Ino glares at said girl who sighs a little. "Sasuke nii-chan is like my big brother. i never had big brothers or a big sister who took such good care of me even if the person i think of as my big sister hates me." Kyoko says as she tilts her head to the side. 'she thinks of me as her big sister.' i think before leaning forward and hugging her. "i don't hate you Kyoko." i say and Ino huffs a little. "shut up Ino you think she's cute and little sister like as well." i snap making Kyoko look over at Ino who had a shocked look. "maybe just a little." Ino mumbles making me laugh. Kyoko pulls away from me before shoving another dumpling in her mouth, she sure could eat a lot

Kyoko's pov.

i wanted the match to start already so i could see what Naruto learned. i was going to use my sharingan to watch Naruto's and Sasuke's fight so i could learn more, i also had a bad feeling about this who thing. i had acted normal with Sasuke before he left but with that curse mark Orochimaru gave him i was a little afraid. i had woken up to nightmares from Sasuke letting Orochimaru into the house and he recognized me before sweeping me up in his arms and taking off leaving a confused looking Sasuke behind. Naruto had the first fight and it was against someone who had a kekkei genkai that was supposed to be impossible to beat. finally the match starts but i was a little confused as to how Naruto got thrown in by a bunch of bulls, then again he did say he had something to to before the match before he left me alone with Sakura. i sigh a little as the fight starts. it looked like Naruto was starting to struggle a little so i stand up yelling. "You can do it Naruto!" i scream before i was pulled back down by Sakura. "settle down Kyoko." Sakura says as i pull out of her hold. i mumble a fine before turning my attention back to the fight.

when the match ends i yelp as i see Naruto standing there painting a little but he was the winner. "i knew he would win." i say as turn to look at Sakura who pats my head a little to calm me down. i roll my eyes at her before looking back down at Naruto. i deactivate my sharingan no longer needing it at the moment. i didn't pay much attention to the other fights because i really wanted to watch my uncles fight but he still wasn't here yet. 'i hope Sasuke shows up soon.' i think as i look down at the ring again a bad feeling building in my gut. i bite my lower lip a little as the crowed starts to yell and scream about Sasuke no being here yet. at the last few seconds of his extension time Sasuke shows up with Kakashi. "Kakashi-sensei made him late." i mumble under my breath. now that Sasuke was here i activated my sharingan once again to watch his match. Sasuke looks up at me and i smirk a little earning one from him. 'the smirk must be a family thing because the three of us do it. i bet uncle learned it from dad just like i did.' i think before looking to see where Sasuke was looking at now.

i was caught up in my thoughts and watching Sasuke that i didn't realize that Kakashi was up by us and talking to Sakura. "Kyoko how are you doing?" he asks as he messes up my hair. i bat his hand away as i move my eyes quickly from one hand sign to the next letting my sharingan do all the work for me. "Kyoko?" Sakura asks making me nod my head a little. "Kyoko what's wrong?" Kakashi asks as he picks me up so i was looking him in the eyes. "unc......nii-chan is fighting." i say in a breathless voice knowing the fight was still going on behind me that i needed to see. "you started to call him something else Kyoko what is it?" Kakashi says and i shake my head a little. 'i need to get out of this.' i think. "Kakashi-sensei your probably scared her so she said something else." Sakura says making me nod a little as i was put back down so i could watch what was going on. i half paid attention to what Sakura and Kakashi were talking about. "you shouldn't lie, it's bad to lie." i say knowing they were probably looking at me again so i drag my eyes away from the fight to look at Kakashi no fear of my sharingan showing at all. "Kyoko he's not lying to us. you wouldn't know what your talking about anyway." Sakura says and i roll my eyes at her. "daddy and i saw a man with a mark like nii-chan's, he died right before us. another one was taken away by big snakes." i say before looking back at the fight. i knew they would question me at some point but i didn't care.

"Kyoko you never told me this. why wait until now?" Kakashi asks from behind me and i didn't say anything. "i was afraid. snakes scare me." i whisper so softly i'm sure they didn't hear me at all. that was backed up by the hand on my shoulder. "theirs 8 of them. i counted eariler. i didn't tell you before now because i was afraid." i say before i feel a hand on my head. my eyes were hurting a little because i hadn't used my sharingan in a while and was over using it now to see this fight. dad would be mad at me but i'm not going to lie to him about this. "Kyoko you never end to surprise me." Kakashi says as he pulls me up so i was standing in front of him but could still see the match. he leans down a little so his mouth was by my ear. "we will talk about this later." he whispers and i nod my head. i smirk a little the moment i see Sasuke's sharingan knowing that he was getting better at using it but i was leaps ahead of him because of when mine showed up. "lightning?" i ask in a soft voice before shaking my head a little at how powerful the attack was.

"feathers?" i ask as i release the genjutsu before i turn to look up at Kakashi only to see that everyone in the arena is asleep. there was a bang behind me and judging from Kakashi's expression something happened to the Hokage. "Sakura keep Kyoko close and help the others." Kakashi says as he pushes me over to her. i stiffen a little so i didn't move as far as he had planed. i had to protect Naruto and not let Orochimaru have him. i just knew he was behind this because of the creepy feeling i was getting. "Kyoko." Sakura says as i rush over to Naruto pulling out a kunai to protect him. Kakashi looks over at me and i slid my foot back until it hits Naruto ever so slightly. ' i knew it was him.' i think as i look up to see someone holding a kunai to the Hokage's thought making me think it was Orochimaru.

Kakashi's pov.

Kyoko was acting different today and her eyes were searching everywhere as if looking for danger. i had never seen her act like this even on our missions. "snakes." Kyoko mumbles as her legs start to shake a little. i turn to see what is going on worried about the hokage and would have to deal with what was going on with Kyoko later.   "Orochimaru." i gasp out and there was a thump behind me. i turn a little to look behind me to see Kyoko had tripped over Naruto and was sliding back on her but until her back hit the wall. "Sakura go take care of Kyoko." i bark out as i look back at the enemy in front of us.  Sakura didn't move out of the way so i take out the  two people that are attacking her. i tell Sakura to stay put as i help out a little and i look over at Kyoko only to see that she wasn't sitting on the ground any more. 'Kyoko where are you?' i think. "Behind you." Kyoko yelps before i hear the sicking sound of a kunai enter someone. i feel something pressed to my back and turn quickly to see Kyoko was what was behind me and her kunai was in the eye of a dead ninja. she pulls it out before kicking the ninja away. i was a little shocked to see the blood on this little girl and she acted as if it was nothing.

Kyoko sighs a little before running towards and enemy before i could stop her. i back up into Guy who starts talking to me but i glance over at Kyoko who sets someone on fire before she skids to a stop by Sakura who pulls her down to the ground and throws herself over Kyoko. "Sakura wake up Naruto and Shikamaru. keep Kyoko with you." i say. i could hear them moving and turn a little to see Kyoko lean over Naruto as she releases the genjutsu on him. "Kyoko are you ok?" Naruto asks as he looks her over. Shikamaru even looked worriedly at her. "i'm fine, it's not my blood." she says before looking at a few dead ninja who had been getting close to Naruto. a kunai was whizzing towards Kyoko's head but she catches it before looking over at the ninja who had thrown it and throws it back hitting them in the middle of their forehead before she looks down at Naruto. "stay down." Kyoko says as she looks over at Sakura who looked just as stunned as Naruto. a ninja shows up behind Naruto but Guy hits him but he had been stunned for a few seconds before Guy had hit him.

Kyoko's pov.

i was covered in blood and was scared out of my mind. i had a feeling that Gaara, the red head who tried to get me to leave was a tailed beast. "Kyoko let's go." Naruto yelps as he grabs me and pulls me behind him. i deactivate my sharingan and listen to Sakura tell pineapple and Naruto what had happened. "Kyoko are you ok? i mean you killed someone." Sakura asks making me look over at her with blank eyes. "what do you mean? i'm fine." i say in an emotionless voice making Naruto pull me closer to him as if afraid of my mental state. "she means are you ok after killing someone for the first time?"  pineapple asks. "this isn't the first time i've killed someone pinaple." i say before looking at the dog who was leading us. "my name is Shikamaru not pineapple." he growls before he looks over at me. i shrug like it was no big deal. "you've killed someone before now?" Naruto asks making me slow a little. "i was 4 and practicing what daddy had taught me, it was a kunai trick that his daddy taught him. this man showed up before he walks over and picking me up. he said i would make a good little slave and laughed before he started to touch me all over. i wanted to get away from him and daddy wasn't with me because he went to get us water so i slipped a kunai out of my sleeve before stabbing the creepy man in the neck. he screamed and let me go but as i fell i slit his through open. he fell to the ground dead and i sat in the pool of his blood crying. that is where my daddy found me." i say as i look at the ground not wanting to see the looks on their faces.

"what a horrible thing to happen to such a sweet little girl." Sakura says making me look up at her a little. she looks sad as she looks over at me. "Kyoko that's so sad." Naruto cries as he pulls me up onto his back as if that was helping us. "that's harsh. what did your dad say when he say you sitting in blood?" Shikamaru asks and i look over at him before looking over at Sakura and the little dog who was frowning a little. "daddy felt like it was his fault that it happened. but he was proud that i had defended myself even in that situation. i kept crying even throw he said that stuff so he told me about when he was a ninja and his first time killing someone to make me feel better. after that he taught me more so i could protect myself. i kind of just turned off my emotions when i have to kill. yes i feel bad about it later but.... this is the first time i've had to since daddy was killed." i say my voice hitching a little as i talked. "everyhing is ok Kyoko." Naruto says as he throws me up a little before catching me. i nod hoping he was right.

when we caught up to Sasuke, Naruto told me to stay back with Shikamaru so i was safe. i didn't mind that much because i didn't want to get into another fight. i watch the fight shocked to know that Gaara was the one tailed beast. Pain-sama was going to be shocked that i got information on another tailed beast as i watch the fight. when it was over Sasuke picks me up into a tight hug. "Kyoko why are you here?" he asks as he carries me back to the village. "Kakashi-sensei told Sakura to keep me with her." i say now feeling really sleepy. 'must be the draw back of using the sharingan to much.' i think as i rest my head on Saskue's shoulder the one that didn't have the curse mark. "nii-chan, i'm afraid of snakes." i mumble as my eye lids start to get heavy. "really? i won't let a snake get near you or ever take you away from me." he says before i fall asleep.

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