Chapter 17

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Kyoko's pov.

when i get back to Kakashi's house the next day he was sitting at the table and looks up at me a worried look on his face. "where were you?" he asks as he stands and walks over to me. i wasn't sure what to say so i just shrug my shoulders as if it was no big deal. "Kyoko i was worried something bad happened." Kakashi says as he picks me up in a hug. i sigh as i pat his back a little hoping that he would put me down. the last few days Kakashi had been acting like my older brother. "i went for a walk. sorry to worry you." i say and he puts me down before looking me over. "i see, well the hokage wants to talk to you about something. i'll walk you to her office." Kakashi says and i nod my head before following him to the hokage's office uneasy about what she would want from me and if she was going to make me leave the village.

when we get there i stand by Kakashi as we wait for her to talk to us. "Kyoko everything will be ok." Kakashi says and i hang my head. "you don't know that. for all we know i'm here so she can tell me to leave and never come back. if that happens i don't know where i would go." i say before shaking my head a little getting tired of this the world hates me attitude i had right now. after all it was this attitude that caused uncle Sasuke to run to the arms of that creepy snake man who helped him kill dad. Kakashi sighs before patting my shoulder a little and looked like he was going to say something but the door opens. we walk in and i look up at the hokage a blank look on my face in my attempt to protect myself. "Kyoko do you know why your here?" she asks and i shake my head no. she sighs before putting a hand to her head. "all night and this morning i've had Naruto and Sakura have been in here telling me about how the village is treating you and about how you want to live on your own." she says and Kakashi shifts a little next to me. i look up at him and he looked uneasy now like something bad was going to happen. he even shifted so his hand was on my shoulder and he pulls me back in a protective manner making me feel loved for the first time in a month.

"meaning what lady Tsunade?" Kakashi asks and i shrink back into his hold. "meaning that she can live in her clan's home but she will be checked up on by Naruto, Sakura and yourself Kakashi." she says and i gasp a little shocked that she was agreeing to this. "really?" i ask letting a little excitement into my voice, the first real emotion i felt wasn't forced in the last few days. "really. onto the next problem." she says before giving a sigh and rubbing her head a little. "the next problem? you mean the one where the whole village hates her?" Kakashi asks a little bitter about the thought. "yes, i believe that things would get better for her if she went on a mission proving that she really was meant to be in our village. but before that i want to have Kyoko get a medical check up." she says and i frown at her not happy with this thought. "a what?" i ask and take a step back into Kakashi who wraps his arms around my now shaking body. the only person who ever gave me a check up was Orochimaru and he had tried to put something in me until dad showed up and saved me.

"a check shouldn't take long." Tsunade says as she stands and walks over to me. "no!" i scream and back even more into Kakashi before looking up at him. "no i won't do it. please Kakashi don't let her." i cry and he quickly picks me up. i shiver in his hold refusing to look at the woman who was only a few steps away from me. "it's just to see if your healthy. why are you so scared?" Kakashi asks and i look into his face. "i've only had one and it was given to me by that creepy snake man Orochimaru. i don't want one please Kakashi don't make me, please." i say before letting my head fall so it was sitting in the crook of his neck as i cry. i was so scared, i was scared that she would hurt me or that i would be experimented on and i was scared that Kakashi would let that happen to me.

Kakashi's pov.

Kyoko was shaking in my hold and i felt bad that one simple thing had scared her half to death. it was yet another reason to hate Orochimaru and he was dead but the damage he had done to this poor little girl would scare her for life. lady Tsunade looks Kyoko over before she looks into my eyes. "it needs to be done. i want to make sure she isn't sick like she said her father was." Tsunade says and i nod my head a little and i feel Kyoko stiffen in my arms. "i understand but if she is this scared to then i think it best that someone she trust do the exam lady Tsunade. i believe that Sakura might be the best choice in this." i say and Kyoko relaxes a little but Tsunade frowns a little. "no, as much as i trust Sakura on things this is one time where i can't have her do this. it's important Kakashi. she could have something that is killing her and we would never know it." she says and Kyoko lifts her head a little before she looks at me. "do you know what daddy had? i mean his medicine is still in his bag." Kyoko says and Tsunade stiffens before looking over the girl in my arms. "you have his bag?" she asks shocked and i couldn't blame her because i was as well. "yes, daddy gave it to me before he fought with Sasuke, then again he could hardly see so i carried it for him." Kyoko says a sad look in her eyes and she bites her bottom lip as if to keep herself from crying again. "lets go get that before we do anything else." Tsunade says and i put Kyoko down. Kyoko looks up at Tsunade before shaking her head a little and taking my hand pulling me from Tsunade's office.

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