Chapter 13

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Kyoko's pov.

the next morning i wake up to an empty room. i was guessing that dad had gotten a call for a mission earlier this morning and he hadn't wanted to wake me to say he was leaving. i yawn a little before stretching and getting out of bed. i take a quick shower before changing into the cloths that Pain had given me as well as pulling my hair up into a bun so that the back of my shirt was clearly seen. as i walk to the kitchen i couldn't help but think about what had happened last night. 'why was Naruto in that post town? did he recognize me?' i think not really thinking much about what i was doing until i feel hands on my shoulders making me jump a little. i turn to see Sasori and Deidara standing in the kitchen with me. "Kyoko are you alright?" Sasori asks as he lets me go. "yep, i'm just really hungry. would the two of you like me to make you something?" i say as i turn my attention to the refrigerator to get out what i needed. "no thank you Kyoko, we were hoping to talk to you about something." Sasori says and i look over my shoulder at him. "like what?" i ask as i start to cook.

before they could says anything Hidan walks in and he pulls me back into him in a hug which creepers me out a lot. "let me go." i growl as i elbow him in the gut which only makes him laugh at me. i didn't like anyone but Konan and Pain touching me but i sometimes let Sasori and Deidara as well as Kisame touch me but only when it was dangerous. "Hidan let my daughter go." dad says as he walks over Kisame and Konan behind him. Hidan lets me go but keeps laughing and i turn with a kunai in my hand slashing his face making him stop. "don't ever touch me again." i hiss as i take several steps away from him. i knew he was going to lunge at me but Sasori and Deidara were in front of me keeping Hidan away from me. "Kyoko what are you doing?" dad asks as he walks over to me as if adding an extra layer of protection. "i was going to make something to eat but now i'm not very hungry." i say as i put the food away quickly. i knew that everyone was watching me but i just wanted to go back to my room now. "Kyoko dear would you come with me." Konan says and i look over at her a little confused. i nod my head and walk over to her before looking over my shoulder at my dad. he nods and i give a small sigh before following Konan to where she wanted to take me.

we end up in Pain's office and i was a little worried as to why i was here. Pain wasn't home at all so it was just Konan and i sitting there. "Kyoko, Pain wants to have you help your father with his missions. i don't want you to go to be honest but it will be safer than if you stayed here in the hideout. i will miss you but i know you have to go." Konan says as she grabs my hand. i knew she thought of herself as my mother and she looked like she was ready to cry. i stand before pulling her into a tight hug letting her tears fall on my shoulder. "i don't want my little one to go." she cries into my shoulder as i rub her back. i remember a few years ago not long after i got back that i had gone throw a hard time changing from a girl into a woman but Konan had been there for me to explain it all. after a few minutes of crying she sits up before wiping tears from her face. "come on lets go to my room i have a gift for you." she says as she pulls me into her room. i had spent many nights in this room when i had been younger and dad wasn't home to take away my nightmares. "this is for you dear and i know Pain gave you those cloths but don't wear them for a while alright? i don't want you taken away by the leaf village." she says as she wraps a jacket that is like dad's around me. "your going to be leaving on your first mission soon, before you leave come see me again." Konan says before she kisses my check and sends me out of her room. i rush over to where dad was and he smiles at me before it drops a little when he sees the jacket around my shoulders. "Konan gave it to me." i say before dad could say a word to me about it.

Itachi's pov.

i had been shocked to see an Akatsuki clock on my daughter because i never wanted her to have this life. i never wanted her to be like i am because she was so young and had a bright futer ahead of her. i would have to talk to Pain about this later but for right now i had to deal with Hidan who was cussing up a storm as well as telling me how he was going to kill my daughter. "you know this wouldn't have happened if you didn't pick her up like that. we all know that Kyoko has never like to be touched by anyone but Itachi." Sasori says making Hidan stop talking and standing still. Deidara laughs braking Hidan out of his trance and i turn a little to look at Kisame. "they didn't notice her walk throw the room did they?" i ask and he just shakes his head before Hidan looks at me. "you should have taught her better, i mean how could she just slits someone's through like that?" Hidan asks and i smile a little. "that's exactly what i taught her to do when your around. she's a child Hidan and you scared her, no need to kill her over it." i say before leaving the room no longer wanting to talk to him about what is going on. Kisame follows me and we walk into my room to find Kyoko had changed her cloths leaving the shirt that Pain got her in a bag. "Konan said i shouldn't wear that for a while. she also said i was going to go on missions with you." she says before looking up at me. i sigh before walking over to her and sitting next to her. "Kyoko we will keep you safe and out of harms way no matter what." Kisame says as he kneels in front of Kyoko who nods her head. i sigh as i hug her to my body and after several more minutes of telling her that she wasn't going to do anything dangerous or even have to wear the jacket before she finally agreed to eat and do some training with us.

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