Chapter 5

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Kyoko's pov.

today we were going to be assigned our teams and when i walk into the classroom was surprised to see Naruto sitting there. i run over to him and give him a hug before sitting next to him a big smile on my face. "how?" i ask as i look around the room. he shakes his head before putting a finger to his lips. "it's a secret and i will tell you later when it's just the 2 of us because i don't want losers like Sasuke to hear." Naruto says making me giggle a little. we talk for a little longer until a kid with hair like a pineapple walks over to make fun of Naruto. i wanted to hurt him but then Iruka-sensei showed up and started announcing teams. "Team 7 is Naruto, Sakura,......Sasuke and Kyoko." Iruka says which makes Naruto smile when he hears he is on a team with Sakura and myself but a small frown when Sasuke's name was called. he then makes a big speech about being with Sasuke but i didn't really listen because Sakura was giving me a look that would have killed me. i roll my eyes at her before looking over at Naruto who was now depressed. "cheer up Naruto you have me on your team and your going to be a great ninja even if Sasuke is on our team."  i whisper which makes him smile widely at me.

once all the teams have been called everyone goes off with their sensei's leaving the 4 of us alone. Naruto was up by the black board with the eraser in his hand and i give a small sigh. i wasn't really paying much attention to what they were doing until Naruto was laughing his butt off and i look to see what was so funny. "my first impression of all of you." the man says but i don't listen to the rest of what he was saying because i was trying to remember where i had seen this man before. then it hit me. he was the one who took me to see the Hokage when i first came here his name was Kake....Kakasa......ohhhh it was Kakashi that was what it was. i was proud of myself then feel a hand on my head. "Kyoko you ok? i have been trying to get your attention for a few minutes now." Naruto says and i blush a little. "sorry i was thinking about something and i guess i got really caught up in it." i mumble before standing and follow them up to the roof. Kakashi then starts talking and after he tells us about him which all we got out of it was his name i didn't listen to Naruto or Sakura and half listened to uncle Sasuke. i shiver a little when he said he was going to kill dad. "your turn." Kakashi says as he looks over at me. "my name is Kyoko and i like learning. i dislike a lot of things like snakes and......" i say but shake my head because i had just thought about that creepy man Orochimaru. "my dream is to be a great ninja like my dad. i don't really have any hobbies." i say then look away from my team. i really wanted to be alone now.  we were told we could go and to meet at a training field tomorrow without eating in the morning.

i stand and start to slowly walk away when big hands were on my shoulder stopping me. i turn a little to see Kakashi. "Kyoko can we talk?" he asks and i nod my head not really understanding what he wanted from me. we walk for a while until he stops and looks at me again. "i wanted to know how things are going since you got here? i was a little worried about you to tell you the truth and want to know how it is living with Sasuke?" he says as he sits on the ground in front of me. for a few minutes i feel like i am talking to my dad again and feel tears starting to form. i sit on the ground before taking a deep breath trying to think of a good way to say anything. "things here are good but i miss my daddy very much. i didn't like living with Sasuke at first but things have been getting better and he said i was like his little sister which made me a little happy to hear because i lost everything." i say then look away from him. "Kyoko how about i ask the Hokage if i can adopted you then you can be my daughter so you have a dad again?" Kakashi asks and i look up at him in shock. i didn't know what to say but i did know i didn't want anyone to take my dad's place because he was very much alive and it would make things harder when i leave.

Kakashi's pov.

i watch the shock on Kyoko's face when i suggested me taking her in as my kid. ever since the day i had left her with Iruka i hadn't been able to stop thinking about her. i was worried about her because she reminded me a little of me when i was younger. i was going to talk to the Hokage about this but wanted to ask her before i did. "Kakashi-sensei that's really sweet of you to offer but i can't do it." she says and i feel a little hurt. "why?" i ask really wanting to know. she starts crying and i feel like i had made her cry so i put my hands up a little afraid and unsure of what to do. "i can't let someone else take my daddy's place. he was my daddy and i can't have another one because he would be sad i replaced him." she cries and i pull her into my lap in a hug. i feel bad because i hadn't thought about that. "i'm sorry Kyoko i didn't think about that part. i just wanted you to be happy and try giving you a family. please forget i asked and i will be there for you like a big brother how is that?" i ask and she sniffs a little before nodding her head. "can i call you big brother when it's just the 2 of us?" she asks as she wipes tears from her face and pulls out of my lap. i nod my head and she gives me a big smile. "ok you can be my big brother just like Sasuke and Naruto." Kyoko says as her eyes dance with laughter. i wanted to sit there a little longer with her but i had to get things ready for tomorrow. "i have to go Kyoko how about we have dinner together tonight?" i ask secretly hoping that she would say yes. "i guess that would be fine with me." she says and i smile at her. she was such a cute little girl that i oddly wanted to keep safe no matter what. i leave and think about where i would take her to dinner. maybe i would get the rest of my team and treat them but shake my head clearing the thought because they hadn't passed my test yet so they weren't really my team yet.

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