Chapter 22

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Kyoko's pov.

i heard that Tsunade was in a coma and felt like it was all my fault that she was like that. if Pain nii-chan hadn't wanted to hurt to rebuild the world to bring peace i feel like it never would have happened. i was a little afraid of what would happen to me now that she was like that. the village was in ruins and again i felt it was all my fault. "Kyoko what are you thinking about?" Kakashi asks as he walks over to me. i had been asked to help paint something but i was just looking at the wall blankly as if i wasn't sure what to do at all. "hm? oh i wasn't really thinking about anything nii-chan. well... that's not really true either." i say mumbling the last part more to myself then to him. Kakashi gives a small sigh before he places a hand over mine and helps me start painting, once i was doing it on my own he lets my hand go before picking up a brush himself and he starts to work right next to me. "Kyoko you can talk to me when your ready. i'm all ways here for you if and when you need me." he says as he glances over at me making me give a small sigh. "i was thinking about Pain nii-chan and my daddy. i feel like it is all my fault that things happened the way they did. i know Pain nii-chan never meant to kill me, i did something stupid and deserved to die for it but at the same time i couldn't watch the two of you kill each other in front of me because you were the only family i had left." i mumble making him sigh before he pats my head. "i know and i respect that greatly. i think Pain would agree with me when i say this but i could be wrong . i'm very proud of you for protecting those who matter the most to you." Kakashi says as he messes up my hair before we both silently work for an hour or so.

"you said you were thinking about your dad. did you want to talk about that?" Kakashi asks as we move away from more people to keep working. i take a deep breath before setting the paint brush down in the can then look up at him. "not here." i say and look right up into his eyes making him frown a little before he nods his head. the two of us walk around a little until we reach the old Uchiha compound that was hardly touched in Pain's attack on the village. "did you know the Uchiha clan was planning a que against the village? my grandfather was in charge of it and put a lot of pressure on my dad to pick the Uchiha side. dad told me once his ANBU caption was the reason he picked the village over his clan." i say not looking at him. i knew now who my father's ANBU caption had been, it was the man standing near me. "i had no idea. i did know your father when he was in the ANBU and he always got this excited look in his eyes when he was done for the day. like he had something waiting for him to get to as fast as he could his last year of being with the village." Kakashi says in a tone that said he wasn't sure how to react to what i was telling him. "my mom and i lived right outside the village. i don't really remember my mom. i was much to young to remember her or what our house looked like or any of that stuff. the day my father killed our clan to keep the village safe was the same day he killed my mom who wasn't treating me right. from what i was told she ignored me for her new boyfriend that wanted to sale me to some random group. that night my dad he saved the village from the people he loved that would destroy it as well as killed the one woman who he loved and gave him me." i say before i take a few steps away from Kakashi suddenly feeling cold inside, like there was ice forming in my blood.

Kakashi's pov.

i didn't know what to say to Kyoko after she just told me all of this. i never thought that she would have told me all of this at all, that she trusted me enough to tell me all of this. i wanted to make her feel better but i wasn't sure how to do so and it was clear that nothing i said or did right now would change the past. Kyoko had silent teas falling down her cheeks so i gently whip them away with my thumb feeling the need to make this little girl feel loved and wanted, a thing the village hasn't done a great job of even after Naruto saved the village from Pain. "i'm sorry that happened to you Kyoko. your father loved you a lot, enough to give up his life to keep you safe the best he could." I say kneeling so i was about the same height as her. it was easy to forget just how young she really was with the way she acted. "Kakashi i trust you not to tell anyone but if something was to happen to me could you make sure my uncle knows that my dad didn't want to kill our clan like he thinks?" Kyoko asks making me fell the need to agree to anything she asks of me. "i can do that for you Kyoko but nothing is going to happen to you." i say as i gently ruffle her hair messing it up a little causing her to smile softly at me. we both go back to work and when we were done she didn't even appear to care where she sleeps, mostly because she had passed out as we were eating with Naruto and Sakura. i didn't have to worry much seeing as how Naruto decided to take her home with him, people were less likely to mess with her if he was with her right now.

The next few days were a rough ones as we worked on fixing the damages done and getting life back to normal. When it was announced that Donzo would be going to the kage meeting in place of Tsunade was when most ninjas were worried. I had seen the way he looked at Kyoko and the power hungry look in his eyes. She stayed away from him as if seeing the danger and kept close to Naruto daring anyone to do or say something. It was quite the change from how she had been once she had gotten better. It was decided by myself that she should go to a summons world and learn the sage arts but the problem was getting her a contract and then taking her in on such short notice and so little trust.

"Have you ever thought about summoning?" Naruto asks her one day as we all sit and eat making Kyoko look over at him before a wicked looking smile comes to her face. "I do have a summons. Pain-nii helped me find one that was rare and hardly used. I can summon owls." She says with a smile and I think we all felt our jaws drop. This little girl before us could summon the owls, from what I remember being told that has only happened one other time in the history of ninjas and no one knew the name of the one who had done it. "Owls that's kinda cool." Naruto says with a happy smile making her laugh lightly. "They want me to train with them but I didn't because of daddy and now I'm not sure if I should." Kyoko says frowning a little a cute pout forming in her lips as she thinks it all over. "You should go train with them for a while, I learned a lot from the toads I think it would be good for you." Naruto says and she nods her head.

"Your right I should go. Maybe they can help find something to help Lady Tsunade get better. I'll leave first thing tomorrow after breakfast." She says and we all talk about one thing or another. Honestly I was glad she was going to go that way Donzo and his group would leave her be, maybe it was for the best she be away from the village and everything going on in it. I watch as each of my students get relaxed and sit close together talking about one thing or another until all three of them are asleep. It wasn't long before I too joined them in the realm of dreams. I wake to the smell of dango, green tea, dumplings and several other things I couldn't put my finger on. There was giggles and I open my eyes to see Sakura and Kyoko placing food on the table then them teasing or making fun of each other.  It was a wonderful sight. Naruto was still dead asleep until Kyoko walked over a bowl of ramen in her hands and she wafts the scent of it at him causing him to jump awake. We all eat together before helping to clean up as Kyoko packed for a month away.

For some reason the owls only allowed their summons a month in their world at a time but to me it was a month for making plans and keeping her safe. We watch as she goes before heading off to get our assignments for the day. "Sensei I have a bad feeling." Sakura says and we walk, Naruto nodding his head as well. "Me too. Hopefully her going there will make that feeling lessen so we can come up with something and find out what is wrong." I say having them agree. I waited with held breath for Donzo to make his move to take Kyoko or even further action as to cement his place as Kage, neither one I would stand for if I had anything I could do about it. All I can do now is wait and pray to kami that Tsunade wakes soon and takes back over with Donzo giving little to no fight over it.

(Authors note: thank you to all who still read this even though it has been ages since I updated. Honestly I have lost sight of where I want this to go and my little spurts of inspiration are far and few between. Added on to it the fact that I have seen my work, this very book, stolen and placed on other websites that I  not a part of which has killed most of my want to write for others to share because it feels tainted. The only other place I ever had any work on was Modzilla and the books I posted there I let people know that they were both there and here because I moved over to this site from there. In addition my life has gotten a little hectic as well having to juggle a couple of life changing events and I'm not sure I can produce a story worthy of finishing this or not. For now I am going to be placing this book on hiatus ,yes you might have noticed it in the title, but I don't know if I will be coming back to it. I don't want to abandon this by any means nor will I be handing this out to anyone to finish it should I chose to not continue because I have notes on where I would love for this story to go and end. Again thank you all for reading, the comments be them good or bad and for sticking by my side on this story. I hope that I will feel up to finishing this at some point in time.)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2020 ⏰

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