Chapter 7

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Kyoko's pov.

i had been really lonely the last few days because Sasuke had been training alone the last few days and the others were busy with other thing so i was walking around the village hoping to find something to do. i was just about to pass the academy when i notice a swing that was outside of it and walk slowly over to it and start to swing. i don't know how long i had been swinging but i was put to a stop making me look up to see Naruto standing there. "what ya doing Kyoko?" he asks before he picks me up and sits down before putting me in his lap. "swinging. well i was until you showed up. what have you been doing today?" i ask and he gives a small sigh. "i was training for a while until something got in the way before i went looking for you because i wanted to know if we could train together." he says before starting to swing and we were going high in the air now. "so you want to fight with me?"i ask and he gives a small grunt before making us go higher than before. "that's just what i'm saying." he says and i could just see his smile in my head. i laugh a little as the wind rushes over us before the swing starts to slow down until it stops. "let's go! i don't want Sasuke to get in our way." Naruto says before sticking his tong out at me after he says Sasuke's name. we walk to a training field that wasn't to far away and i look around it to see where any good hiding places would be.

"ready to start Kyoko?" Naruto yells from behind me and i spin around in time to see him running at me throwing a punch which makes me duck down and go for a hit on his leg to see if i could trip him up. we push each other to our limits in our fight and end up both laying on the ground looking up at the sky panting. "that...was....the... best...fight ever!" Naruto says before he rolls over so he was on his stomach looking at me. i nod my head before closing my eyes enjoying the way the sun was hitting my face. we were silent for a while before i feel hands on my sides tickling me making me scream with laughter until i feel another set of hands tickling me. i open my eyes to see Naruto and Sasuke both smiling widely at me as they tickle me. "stop!" i yell making them take a step back. "what are you doing here nii-chan?" i ask as i sit up and look over at Sasuke. he smirks at me before looking over at Naruto who nods his head a little. "Sasuke and i came to an agreement about hanging out with you. he was watching us train this whole time." Naruto says and i give a small sigh. "i see, well than it's good to see you two getting along." i say before making a small face which makes them both laugh at me. i huff a little before getting up quickly and running away from them.i end up in an empty shrine that was near Sasuke's house. i walk around it feeling really at home here but at the same time it felt like i shouldn't be there at all.

i sit down by the shrine and close my eyes and think back to the night we got back from our mission. i had been so sleepy that i thought i had dreamed that dad had showed up to see me but when i got up the next morning my letter to him was gone and my puppet was in it's place which was funny because Sasori still had it. i sigh and shake my head a little before getting up and leaving as quietly as i could. i head straight home and look at what we had to see what kind of dinner i could make before giving a sigh not wanting to cook anything or to eat with anyone. i run to my room and grab my wallet before heading out to look at all the stalls to find something good to eat. i run into someone and look up to see a man who was smoking. "sorry." i mumble as i look at the ground to keep from blushing a little. "it's ok little one." he says as he kneels down so we were on the same level. "my name is Asuma and i can't help but notice that you have a head band on your left arm." he says and i look up at him. "my name is Kyoko and i'm on team 7." i say as i blush and he chuckles a little. "ohhh so your the Kyoko that Kakashi has been talking about. well Kyoko how about i buy you something to eat?" Asuma asks before he messes up my hair. i had to think about it before nodding my head a little. "i guess that's ok...." i say and was going to say more but he picks me up, putting me on his shoulders before starting to walk. "what kind of food do you like?" Asuma asks and i look up at the sky thinking. "sweet and some spice food." i finally say making him nod his head.

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