Chapter 6

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Kyoko's pov.

i was getting into position for our mission and give a small sigh because it was boring. i mean i wasn't like Naruto who complained about it the whole time or once we were done with it i just thought they sucked. it had felt like years since i had seen dad or anyone else i knew from his orginization that would take my letters to him. for the most part i had written about 5 letters in one scroll over the last few months. i might have to steal a messenger hake to send him the letter. i was so lost in my thought that i just walk over to where kitty cat that jumps in my arms making Naruto slam face first into the ground. "cute kitty cat." i say as the others come around me and Sasuke ids him. Naruto grabs the cat from my arms making it scratch at him before jumping back into them. "he doesn't like you very much Naruto." i say as we walk the cat purring as it rubs its head on my shoulder. i felt a little bad for the poor cat when its owner practicaly tries to kill it.

i stand there quietly as Naruto yell and the ninja ranking is explained with what kind of missions they can go on but this was stuff that dad had taught me when i was like 4. Naruto starts to talk about ramen as Iruka-sensei talks and i just ignore them both as i look out the window watching the sky until a big black bird catches my attention. 'dad?' i think and i was pulled out of my thoughts when something that stinks walks into the room. i wrinkle my noise a little when i see the drunk man who smelled really bad and we had to guard him as he head home or finishes his bridge i wasn't really paying a lot of attention. "meet at the gate in an hour." Kakashi says before we leave. i run home to pack so i wouldn't have Sasuke breathing down my neck the whole time. i was packed and ready to go in about 20 minutes so i take off to follow the bird from earlier. "Brat." someone says as they pull me into the woods but they had a familiar filling chakra and i look up shocked to see Kakuzu and Hidan. "hi Kaku, Hida." i say as i smile using the nick names i had given them. i had a hard time saying their names when i was a few years younger so that is what i called them. they both sigh and Hidan holds out a thick envelope that i take a little curious. "it's the money that Pain-sama and Itachi told us to give you." he says and i nod my head before quickly putting it in my wallet then pulling out my scroll that was a letter to dad and Pain. "where are you going?" Kakuzu asks as he looks me over and i give them a wide smile probably showing missing teeth. "the land of waves! we have a mission there but i don't remember what it was because i was watching a bird." i say and they laugh at me before messing up my hair and taking the scroll and empty envelop.

"have fun on your mission." Kakuzu says before they disappear and i walk throw the wood to the gate to see everyone there already. i look at my watch and realize that i'm late for once. i run over to them letting my chakra go back to normal as i did and Kakashi looks up to see me a small smile on his face. Sasuke gives a sigh of relief as if happy i was here. "the brat is late. why is a little girl with us?" the drunk says before taking a drink making me frown at him. "i may be a little girl but i can do just about anything better than you. Baka drunk." i huff as i follow Naruto out of the village. i search keep my eyes and ears open and sigh a little at the very obvious trap that was layed out. i mean really there was a puddle in the middle of the road and it hasn't rained in how many days? i jump over it and land silently on the other side before turning around to look at Kakashi who gives me a small nod telling me he had seen it. when the attack happens i slide back so i was by Naruto and a little upset when i see the claw like thing cut him. i watch Naruto stab his hand and as Kakashi bandages him up. turns out this mission was way above us little genin but i might hold my own because of my training that dad had given me and my sharingan.

Kakashi's pov.

Kyoko was an odd girl she was the only one to see the trap and hadn't froze like i thought she would instead she grabbed Naruto and pulled him back so he got a scratch by the poison blades instead of a deep stab wound. i was starting to wonder if she really was who she said she was but shake the thought away when i see Sasuke put her on his back because she had fallen asleep. "sensei did we really need to bring Kyoko with us?" Sakura asks looking at said girl with an annoyed expression. "she's on our team how could you say that Sakura? that's like asking if i could stay behind so it was only you, Kakashi-sensei, Naruto and Kyoko." Sasuke scolds before we start talking to the bridge builder about why he had lied. he looked over Kyoko before huffing a little making Naruto and Sasuke give him a dirty look. i really needed to train with Kyoko alone to see what she could do because she hadn't fought with me to get the bell in my test. i had been a little surprised that she had gotten one when the others hadn't.

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