Chapter 14

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Kyoko's pov.

when dad and Kisame woke up from their trance like state they helped me take down my traps before we run away from where we had been. i wanted to ask what had happened but dad had that look that said not to ask him about it. we head closer to the land of water and i had never been here before but Kisame had told us that we would be fine as long as we stay away from the village. i wasn't to sure about this but if dad thought it was safe then i would follow him because he knew best. we end up stopping in a post town that was close by and i give a long sigh when i see the hotel that we were walking to. "how long am i going to be locked up in this one?" i ask as i stomp my feet as we walk. i really wasn't looking forward to being hidden away again. "Kyoko behave, we shouldn't be here long just a few days." dad says and i look him over realizing that he was looking a little paler than normal. "alright daddy, as long as it's just a few days then i should be fine." i say as i give him a half hug and he rest some of his weight on me. "your a good girl Kyoko." he says as he messes up my hair a little. when we got to the hotel i walked over to the bathroom and started a hot bath for dad. "daddy when your ready so is your bath." i say as i stick my head out of the bathroom. he chuckles a little as he gets his things together before walking over to me. "your such a good girl Kyoko. what would i do without you?" he says before kissing the top of my head.

i giggle a little before leaving the bathroom and walking over to the bed before laying on it. "where is Itachi?" Kisame asks as he walks into the room with dinner. "taking a bath. dad looked like he needed to relax a little." i say as i look up at him. he shakes his head a little as he sets out the food on the little table and looks over at me. "i know how much you love them so i got you a few dumplings." Kisame says and i give him a big smile before rolling off the bed and landing on my feet before walking over to him. "your dad he's ok you know, i mean he's not like he was when you two first showed up but he's not as bad as you think." Kisame says as he looks up at me. i look away from him and help to put the food out to avoid looking at him. "you would know better than i would. i haven't spent a lot of time alone with him lately." i say as i look over at the bathroom door worried about my dad. "he's trying to do what is best for you, that was why he sent you to the leaf village so that when he is gone you have somewhere to belong. he will never admit it to you but he wanted you to grow up in the village, with your clan, knowing your family." Kisame says and i look over at him before giving a soft sigh.

"i wish that was the way things were but this is life. every day dad losses his vision and i worry more so about him than ever. i worry every day that my dad can't see me any more and that he will get hurt on a mission and never come back to me, so please forgive me if i don't wish to talk to you about this Kisame." i snap before getting up and walking over to the bed and falling on it so my face was hidden in the pillow. i didn't want Kisame to see my tears or even know i was crying. i had gotten good at crying silently when i was around the men my dad worked with. i listen to everything that was going on around me and relaxed a little when i hear dad walk into the room. "Kyoko come eat." dad says and i sit up slowly. "i'm going to take my bath now, i'm not very hungry." i say before quickly slipping into the bathroom to take a bath. i sit in the tub and sob silently in the warm water upset by what Kisame had said because if what he said was true then dad wouldn't be going blind, i would know my mother and grandmother and grandfather, my uncle and i would know each other better and my clan would have known me. it wasn't fair for him to say that to me when i was going to lose my whole world soon.

Itachi's pov.

when i was done with my bath i walk out of the bathroom to see Kyoko on the bed her shoulders shaking and Kisame sitting at the table with food in front of him. "Kyoko come eat." i say as i walk over to the table. "i'm going to take a bath now, i'm not very hungry." she says before rushing into the bathroom. perhaps her spending so much time alone is bad for her and was getting to her. "what did you say to her?" i ask when i feel that Kyoko had been in the bath long enough. "the truth, you shouldn't keep lying to her about how you wish things were." Kisame says and i shake my head. "Itachi she's worried about you, more than you or i thought. i think it's time to send her back to the leaf village and have them take care of her." Kisame says and i shake my head quickly. "no, i refuse to do that. it's selfish of me but i want to spend what little is left of my life with my daughter letting her know i love her." i say as i pick up my chopsticks. Kisame and i sit there staring at each other both wanting to say something to the other but never actually saying a thing. the silence between us was broken when Kyoko walks into the room and she sits next to me.

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