Better Left Unsaid

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Jane's Point Of View:

Another week has passed since the accident and Maura still hasn't woken up. She is getting better though, she no longer needs a breathing tube so she can breath on her own. A few days ago I got heart breaking news and I don't know how I will tell Maura. I was in Maura's room, while Ma went to get some food. Everyone has been by at least once a day. They are all so supportive and we could really use that. I was laying my head next to Maura's arms, when I heard a noise.
"Jane?" I heard a half asleep voice. I lifted my head up and saw Maura slowly opening her eyes.
"Oh my god, Maura."
"The baby?" She said but I could quite make out what she was saying.
"How's the baby?" She asked and I was silent.
"Let's not worry about him right now." I replied pressing the nurse button and a nurse came in.

"Well welcome back Dr. Isles." She said. Shortly after the brain doctor came in.
"Your awake. That is good." She said as she shined her little lit in her eyes.
"Can you follow my finger?" She asked moving her finger, and she did as asked.
"Good. Can you wiggle your toes?" She asked and she did.
"Good. Can you move your fingers?" She also asked, and she did.
"Good. Well you seem to have full function of your body and there are no new bleeds in your brain. So I say you go home in a week."
"Thank you." She replied. She nodded her head and left the room.
"I'm so glad your back." I said kissing her head.
"Well it's good to be back." She replied. Then Ma came in the room with two bags of food.
"Maura! Your awake!" She squealed running to the bed.
"I'm awake." She replied clearly still groggy.

Ma sat down and handed me my food. We both started eating in silence, when it was suddenly broke.
"So how's the baby?" She asked once again. The room went completely silent and I looked at Ma and slowly shook my head no.
"I'm gonna go get Sophia. I think she would love to see you." She replied quickly grabbing her stuff and leave the room.
"What's going on?" She asked nervously
"Well when you where in surgery, you went into premature labor so they took him out. They had informed me that he may not make it threw the night cause his organs and lungs where so premature they where slowly shutting down. Then he started to get better but then he got sick again and there was nothing they could have done. He was just to little, Maur. They tried everything." I said trying not to cry.
"Our baby died?" She asked trying to process it.
"Yes." I said and she started crying. I pulled her into a hug and she held me tight until she cried herself to sleep.

When Ma came back, Sophia ran into the room and jumped in my arms.
"Hi baby." I said kissing her cheek.
"Hi momma. Is mommy still sleeping?" She asked
"Well she woke up but she is resting right now." I replied, then Maura woke up again.
"Mommy!" Sophia said hugging Maura.
"Hi baby." Sophia sat on my lap, and started playing with my hair.
"When can mommy and the baby come home?" Sophia asked not knowing what happened to her little brother. Maura looked at me in shock.
"Well mommy can come home in a week." I replied
"And my brother?"
"He will not be coming home. There was a accident and he is in a better place." I said not really knowing what to say.
"He is in heaven?" She asked
"Yes baby." I replied pulling her closer.

One month later:

It's been a month and the three of us are back home and settling in. No one has talked about our baby son since his funeral. Maura and I decided we where gonna name him Leonardo which means "Bold Lion". After everything that has happened between Maura and me, you would think this would bring us closer but it actually has driving us farther apart. When Maura is not crying, she is yelling specifically at me. Sometimes I feel like she forgets it wasn't just her kid that died.
"You weren't the one pregnant! You weren't there for the doctors appointments or the morning sickness or our FAMILY! You keep acting like you were and you weren't and it wasn't your experience!" Maura yelled
"I lost Leonardo, you almost died." I said
"'I lost Leonardo, you almost died.' You weren't even here!" She screamed
"God and always come back to the army."
"I trusted you more than anything more than anyone in my life, and you weren't there when I needed you the most."
"You didn't tell me you where pregnant till I walked out the door!" I screamed
"You didn't lose anything! I did, I did!" She said and I started crying.
"Apparently I lost you." I said wiping the tears and staring into her eyes.
"Just leave!"
"There's no where else to go! This is my life now too! He was my son too, Maura!" I yelled grabbing my stuff and walking out the door.

Maura's Point Of View:

I was just sad I didn't even realize what I said until Jane left. I haven't been myself lately and I don't know why. It's was nine o'clock and Jane hasn't come home and I haven't heard from her. I tried calling her and left her three voice mails and still nothing. I feel so bad for what I said to her and I didn't mean any of it. I love Jane more than anything and I can't loose her. I called Frost, Korsak, and Frankie no one knew where she was. At that point, I had Angela stay with Sophia while I went to the only place I could think of. I pulled up to the Dirty Robber and saw Jane's car. I walked into the Dirty Robber, and saw that black hair sitting at the bar. I took a seat next to her, and she drank one last shot before putting money on the counter and walking out the Dirty Robber. I quickly caught up to her.
"Jane wait." I said grabbing her arm.
"What, Maura?" She asked turning around and facing me.
"I'm sorry for what I said. I was just sad. Please let me take you home."
"Why so you can yell at some more on how I wasn't there to support you?" She asked
"Jane please. I love you."
"I have tried to be supportive, Maura because I know how hard it is to lose a child. Then I stopped for second and thought 'have you ever tried to support me, or see how I was doing'? It wasn't just you who lost a child."
"Jane I'm sorry."
"Stop apologizing and leave me alone!" She yelled getting in her car and driving away.

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