It Will Rain

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A/N: Like I said you guys will probably hate me.

Maura's Point Of View:

It has been five months since the accident, and me and Jane are doing good. We rarely fight, and in two weeks Sophia will start 1st grade. We are working on this really big case, and they want to have another medical examiner assist on the case. I hate having people assist me; they are always in the way.

I was at Boston Joes getting a quick coffee before heading to work. The cashier placed a coffee on the counter, and I picked it up. I started putting sugar in it, when a average height, blonde hair, blue eyed girl in her about early 30's approached me.
"I'm Lauren." She said
"Okay?" I said not knowing why she is telling me this useless information.
"As in Lauren on the coffee you're way over sugaring." She said pointing to the name on the coffee.
"Oh. I'm so sorry. I just grabbed it." I said not realizing I grabbed the wrong coffee. Then the cashier put another coffee on the counter.
"Maura? Is this you?" She asked taking the coffee.
"That's me." I replied and she took a sip.
"I hope I see you around." She said winking and walking out.

"She was just beautiful, her beautiful long curls bouncing just a tiny bit as she walked. And her eyes, just beautiful, those blue eyes. Stop thinking like that, your married, happily married!" I though to myself before leaving to go to work. When I got to work, I headed up to the squad room.
"Hey Maur." Jane greeted
"Hi." I replied still trying to get the thoughts of the stunning girl out of my head. I noticed Jane was playing with the scars on her hands.
"Your hands hurt?" I questioned
"It's gonna rain." She replied. Then Cavannagh came in.
"Attention everyone. There is a big storm coming. We need to prepare, get all the current cases in writing in case we loose power. We are working on getting the back up generators fixed but it's supposed to be a big storm. So get comfortable, there is no way anyone is driving home once this storm hits." He said and everyone immediately started printing out case files.

"Dr.Isles, a word." Cavannagh said. I followed him to his office and saw very familiar blue eyes and blonde curls.
"Lauren?"I questioned
"Maura." She replied
"You too know each other?" Cavannagh asked
"Yes." We said at the same time.
"Well we had coffee." I clarified
"Well this is Lauren Sparks, the medical examiner assisting you for the case.
"Your Dr. Sparks?" I asked shocked
"I am." She said

I showed her down to the morgue and where everything is. We where in the middle of an autopsy, when Jane walked in.
"Just came for the repot but I will come back." She said
"No. No, come here. Lauren this is Detective Jane Rizzoli." I said. She stood next to me, while Lauren finished talking.
"This web pattern on the skulls shows remodeling, but also shows that after it was starting to heal, he was hit in the head again." Lauren said
"So it was as if someone tried to kill him but when they found out her wasn't dead, they tried to kill him again and worked?" Jane asked
"Exactly like that." she said smiling
"I kind of love her." She whispered into my ear.

After Jane left, it was just me and Lauren.
"Do you want to get some coffee real fast?" I asked
"Sure." She replied and she followed me to the elevator. We where standing on the elevator, and it was very silent with a lot of tension.
"Has anyone ever told you that you have beautiful eyes. What are they green, hazel?" She asked
"I'm married, happily married. You met her actually Detective Jane Rizzoli. You want to talk about eyes her eyes are wow. I also have a daughter a five year old daughter. Did I mention I was married?" I said trying not to let my emotions take over my body. Then the elevator dinged and the doors opened.
"Do you know how many Maura Isles's are in the Internet? One." She said walking out the elevator and I followed.

We where finishing the autopsy when the power went out.
"You have back up generators right?" Lauren asked
"Yeah of course." Then the lights turned back on.
"Can we go to your office?" She asked
"Why?" I asked
"So we can do the autopsy report. I like to be there to make sure it is all correct." She said
"You poor poor control freak." I joked
"Don't worry I'm the same way." I said and showed her to my office.

I let her in first, then quickly followed. Then all of the sudden the power went out again. The next thing I new, I heard the door shut and soft, soft lips crash into mine. When the lights turned on I quickly pulled back.
"I'm can't. I can't." Said starting to open the door.
"Maura, you are aloud to loose a little bit of control." She said, then I locked the door and started kissing her. I took off her lap coat and led her to the couch.

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