She Flies With Her Own Wings

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"Uggh what is going on?" I thought. Groggily looking around the room I tried to remember what happened last night after the party. I knew I shouldn't have let Jace feed me all of those drinks. Fully sitting up I noticed that I was only wearing a tank top and nothing else. "WHAT THE HELL!" I screamed falling out of the bed.

"Whoa babe, that's a unique way to wake up" Jace spoke from the other side of the room.

"Jace what the hell happened last night, and why am I half naked"That first night I knew I needed to get away, but something kept me tied to him. To think I thought what we had was love, boy was I wrong I knew nothing about love.


Serenity Bryant used to be a free spirited, fun loving, hopeless romantic, ballet dancer, who always had her nose stuck in the latest fantasy romance novel. But that all changed after her long term boyfriend Jason Valdez started slowly cutting her off from the things that she loved. With her per-verbal wings clipped she finally escapes the abuse she went through for 5 years.

Abandoning her love of dance, romance, and men Serenity is armed with a new skill set to keep her safe and out of harms way. She settles for being a child therapist in a suburb of South Carolina. Planning to only focus on regainging normalcy and keep her past in the past she doesn't exactly know how to react when she meets her very own "Mr. Big".

Hunter James is the rich business man who everyone knows and loves, but there is a side to him that for lack of a better word is wild. Hunter is a natural born leader and when he sees something he wants he usually has it before the close of business. When he crosses paths with the neighborhoods newest member he can't help but feel the pull. The fates have already laid out the plan for these two.

Only time will tell if the broken bird will fly again.

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