Ch 10 Bad Girls Do it Well

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Ch 10. Bad Girls Do It Well

Syn's POV:

So after our impromptu spa day we all get dress and lets just say we are all looking too fine! Let me explain by going down the line we are all wearing micro dresses just different styles.  Anna and Jessica decide to wear the same dress except different colors their micro dress is skin tight and has long sleeves Jessica’s is a deep blue color and Annas is like this hot orange. Carter has a leopard print micro dress that has a racers back, then there is Emma, boy was it hard to convince her to wear a dress her’s is a simple black and she paired it with a studded black leather jacket. And last but not least there is moi, I am wearing a hot red backless dress that is only held together by a small piece of fabric that goes behind my say the least my outfit is showing the most skin because it also dips dangerously low in the front. At first I was a little ashamed because my back was showing and you could easily see my scar. Well actually you could see the tat that I had to cover up the scar. I convinced myself that if I can make it through that part of my life I can make it through this. I have no reason to be sad or dwell on some lying mutt.

Anywho...we all sweeze into my Camero since the night is about me Emma is driving, plus I took a few pre party shots.

The line is out the door not sure what is going on, but Carter has informed me that there are a few packs that usually come back this way to party before going home after the conference. Great just what I be surrounded by more lying werewolves. Since the Tavern is on Carter’s family’s territory we just pull right up to valet. Thankfully I am able to get out of the car gracefully since I sat in the front. Once out of the car we walk past the bouncer and into the club just as the song Bad Girls by M.I. A comes on. Since I am by far the shortest in the group I am heading it. Carter to my right, with Em at my left followed by Anna and Jessica side by side in the back…we are kinda in a weird star shape…Anyway I swear everyone turns around as we walk through. The bass is bumping so loud that I can feel it rattling my bones! Carter hits my arm so that we can walk to the back by the bar. You can literally see the whole place from where we sit. I see her wave a waiter over and order us a round of shots.

“You get that Patron!” I yell over the music.

“Yea girl I got that Boss! We are gonna get turned up tonight” She replied laughing.

The drinks arrived and we all down them. I stand up waiving the waiter back over. I ask her to bring us the whole bottle. When she returns we all talk about three more shots. Man I’m starting to feel real good. So I decide that it’s time for me to start dancing. Just as I am about to make my way to the dance floor, I see Jake and the guys headed over our way. And there is some random gorgeous girl hanging off of Hunter. I turn around and swipe the shot Anna was about to do.

“Dang girl you need to slow down” Jess says shaking her head laughing.

“Whatever I’m about to hit the dance floor and find someone fu-

Before I could properly finish my sentence I was grabbed back and tingles immediately shot up my arm. I am spun around and come into contact with the greenest eyes I have ever seen. I close my eyes and shake my head because last time I checked those eyes were blue. When I looked back up Hunters face was screwed into a scowl. I wasn’t sure what his problem was but I jerked back quickly.

“What the hell dude?!?”

“What are you doing here?” he questioned looking at me like I was a piece of meat. Boy did he look good. He had on a tight black V-neck shirt that showed off his muscles and I saw the tail tale signs of a tat that I never noticed. The shirt was paired with dark wash jeans and black boots. Simple yet absolutely delicious! I guess he noticed I was checking him out because when I looked back at his face he was smirking.

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