Ch. 5 Away We GO!

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 Chapter 5: Away we GO!

Serenity’s POV:

We stayed up to the wee hours of the morning pigging out on junk food and watching chick flicks. Carter’s section of the house was like a studio apt. It was decorated in a black and white theme, very chic and trendy. She even had a small kitchenette. Now going to sleep at about 3am I thought that since most of the guests were going to show up at around 5pm and it was a 3hr drive to the lake that we would be able to sleep in. boy was I wrong. I was woken up by the sound of cabinets slamming close and boxes being moved.

I groggily sat up and looked for my cell phone. The time read 6:30 am…seriously I thought. I continued to look around and noticed not only were the girls moving stuff, but we were joined by Alex and Jake.

“Uhh guys what’s goin’ on?

“Oh good you are up. Go grab a shower and then pack your stuff we are leaving at 8. Since you are new to the group we won’t make you move stuff to the truck” Jessica replied.

I didn’t know what to say. I definitely didn’t wanna get left so I gathered my things and headed to the bathroom. After a quick shower I got dressed in a simple tight tank top, dark washed shorts, and red toms. Walking back out to the main room I noticed no one was in there. Quickly putting everything in my bag I headed to the front of the house. As soon as I stepped outside it was like everything stopped and nothing mattered or existed except for one Mr. Hunter James. He was lifting boxes and suitcases into the back of a black Yukon Denali. I slightly smiled as I looked him over he just happened to be wearing a black v-neck shirt with khaki shorts and manly flip flops. We kinda matched. His muscles were on perfect display because of his shirt and every movement that he made caused my knees to become a little weaker. I finally drew my eyes away from Hunter to only see Carter widely smiling and nodding at me. Laughing at the fact that I had been caught ogling her brother I made my way of to where the girls were gathered.

“So what’s with the early start” I asked to no one in particular.

“Well we have to get up there and clean out the lake house, set up decorations, prepare a little food for those who stay early, set up the fireworks and games, and also make sure that the rooms are neat and the bath rooms are well stocked.” Carter replied with so much energy, I knew she had to have downed a few energy drinks. The next thing I knew there were four motorcycles pulling up. Alex, Bryan, Hunter, and Jake hopped of and joined us. We all exchanged pleasantries. I couldn’t help but notice the fact that Hunter seemed to inch closer to me with each passing second.

“Ok so I got one of the guys to say that he would bring the supplies down to the lake for us that way we can hop on these babies and make the best of no traffic” Bryan spoke. He wasn’t much of a talker so I was surprised he was even speaking. That was what made me realize what he said. They wanted to ride 3 hours on a motorcycle to the lake house. What the heck were these people crazy? I wasn’t really in the business of trusting people with my life. Let alone riding on the back of a motorcycle willingly. Heck I didn’t even know how to ride a regular bike! Everyone was excitedly talking about when we would stop and for how long in order for us to make it there at an expectable time.

“I hate to burst yall’s bubbles, but I’m not getting on the back of anyone’s bike. I can just drive myself.”

“oh well in that case you can drive the supplies down” Bryan said. I was about to respond when Hunter interrupted.

“That’s not a bad idea, I will drive with you.”

“No need, it’s just party supplies I don’t need a chaperone.”

“I’m sure you don’t, but the Denali is kinda large I’m not sure you would be able to handle her princess”

“Actually I-

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