Ch: 15 Dinner is Served!

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Ch: 15 Dinner is Served!

Syn’s Pov:

As soon as we broke apart I turned towards the door and was greeted by one of the prettiest girls I have ever seen. Granted her face was contorted into a vicious sneer, but this girl was model fine! I mean like my gawd I feel like the ugly duckling standing face to face with her. She had to have been about 5’6 or 5’7 long reddish brown hair, the perfect figure and the deepest green eyes I have ever seen. Ok I can now fully understand why Hunter said this chick was HOT!

I was snapped back into reality when I heard a through clear from besides me.

“Victoria” Hunter said with a voice that could have cut steel.

I gave him a slight once over to see how he was reacting to her attire. I mean the girl was trying hard, tight jeans, a shirt that was showing the right amount of cleavage and make-up done to a “T” along with hair that was curled to perfection.  The face that Hunter was making towards her was not what I expected at all! He looked to be slightly bored, but angry. Hmmm maybe his feelings for her have changed.

“Well come in! come in!” A cheerful voice spoke from behind Victoria.

“We are coming mom” Hunter said sweetly. We walked through the door and followed Hunters mom to the kitchen area. Hunt squeezed my hand, so I looked up at him.

“What” I whispered

He didn’t say anything he just smiled at me. And the next thing I know he is being whisked into the other room by Jake and Carter is immediately at my side smiling.

“Well hello there Luna” Carter said in a sing song voice.

“HaHaHA! So you knew all this time and said nothing?” I wanted to be angry, but I couldn’t. I know I wouldn’t have believed her if she told me that I was the mate of a werewolf.

“I told you that we would be great friends when I met you. That was the biggest clue ever!”

“Wow really?”

She just smirked and walked off to the oven. Apparently it was the women’s job to cook the side dishes and desserts while the men were out back grilling. So for the next hour or so I helped in the kitchen alongside Hunters mom, Carter, Susan, and Victoria. I tried to stay out of the way of the last two, but it seemed impossible since Susan kept volunteering me to do things with Victoria. I honestly thing that the chick is psycho, at one point she tried to pour boiling water on me, but actually ended up tripping and splashing it all on herself. That goodness she can heal from burns because my poor chest would have melted right off. Carter and I actually had to laugh at that one, but quickly sobered up when Lilly, Carter’s mom shot us a glare. But I didn’t miss the mischievous smirk that graced her face before she rushed to Victoria’s side. I think she wanted me to cause a scene, but I kept my cool. Finally everything was done and we were carrying the stuff to the dining room.

“Serenity can you be a dear and go grab some extra napkins and serving spoons” Victoria asked in a sickly sweet voice.

“Sure” I smiled and went back to the kitchen.

By the time I came back there was only one seat left and much to my displeasure it wasn’t next to Hunter, but across from him. And wouldn’t you know Victoria was seated right next to him. I could tell that Hunter wanted to say something, but I just smiled at him slightly and took my seat. Looking around the table I noticed that all of the guys were there now, Anna and Jess had showed up as well, along with the girl from the Lake house. Gah what was her name…Hanna! What was she doing here, as if I didn’t have enough problems with Victoria being her.  I then noticed that there were two other gorgeous girls sitting on the other side of Hunter.

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