Ch 17. Hear me out

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Syn's Pov:

Its been almost a week since Hunter ran away. Thankfully no one questioned what went on after he left. At first I felt bad, but that was replaced by anger because I was his mate and he didn't even let me explain. He should have remember the stories I told him about me and Jace's relationship.

I tried going into the woods to look for him during the first two days, but Em and the others discouraged me. especially since we don't know the state that his wolf is in. it pains me to know that I have caused him this type of pain. But it is more hurtful to know that he now thinks I'm some slut and doesn't want me anymore.

I have done what I do best, I have thrown myself into work and training. At this point having a mate is for the birds!


After work I was going to meet the ladies at the Tavern for happy hour, but for some reason I felt like I just needed to be home. Of course Carter and Em wanted to come to the house with me because they said I was going through "mate with-drawls". I finally got them to leave me alone. I just wanted to end this week with a hot bubble bath, a nice quite dinner for one, and a glass of wine.

I decided to start with the bubble bath. I lit some calming aroma therapy candles and used my sleepy time bath wash from bath and body works. I was just relaxing when I heard my bed room door open and close. I automatically knew who it was. I sunk down more in the bubbles so he couldn't see me, just as he opened the door.

It seemed like time stopped. His figure was looming over me and he had a determined look to him.

All I could do was roll my eyes and put on an attitude. I didn't want to admit how happy I was that he came back nor did I care to admit how his heated stare was affecting me.

"Can you get out please" thankfully my voice came out stronger than I thought.

"Just hear me out before you throw me out."

"You want me to hear you out like you heard me out before you ran away for a week. This is becoming a habit of yours. I don't know how many more one week breaks I can take."

"I had to get Hunt under control and the only way to do that was to get as far away from you as possible and to hunt"

Scoffing I shook my head. "Just get out and wait downstairs or something. I will be down after my bath"

When he exited the bathroom I completely submerged under the water. So he had to run away from me like I have some time of contagious disease. Just great! I should have just went out with the girls for the is crap.

I made sure to stay in the tub until the water turned cold. I dressed in black tights and an oversized off the shoulder top with my favorite fluffy socks, might as well be comfortable if I am going to endure this ridiculous story he is sure to feed me.

walking downstairs I noticed he had lit the fire and ordered takeout.  I'm assuming he thinks this is going to be some major makeup session. taking a deep breath and preparing myself mentally I made my way into the living room.

"come sit down,  I ordered Chinese"

"yea. I noticed. you do realize that I don't forgive you. an extra long bath didn't change my attitude much."

he took a deep breath and pulled me down on the floor witg him. he looked me right in the eyes and said

"I had to get away from you in order to protect you. "

I scoffed "you were so mad you wanted to hurt me" I yanked my hads away from him and prepared to get up, but he beat me to it and held me in place.

"don't run from me like I ran from you just listen.  everything that happened to you was my fault. I am your mate I am supposed to be there to protect you, and I failed at that.  your baby was a part of you and you lost it because of me because I wasn't there I'm not good enough to be your mate. Hunt and I are so ashamed of ourselves. thats why I ran, because I am a failure and you deserve better. "

I could see the anger, sadness, and self loathing in his eyes...I could even hear it in his voice. he seriously thought he wasn't deserving of me.  his pain was brining tears to my eyes. If anything I didnt deserve him.

"hey...hey princess why are you crying?" he asked while wiping my tears away.

"I'm crying because this is ridiculous.  you didn't know about me so there was no way you could have known what I was going through.  if we have found each other sooner I may not have been able to accept you for who and what you truly are.  I went through those things for a purpose and a reason. yes, they were horrible things, but they have made me into a stronger person. either way the journey led me to you and for that I am thankful."

"so no more beating yourself up about my past...just worry about making my future brighter and happier."

"ok, that I can do. I promise I will make you so happy"

"I believe you."

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