Ch. 8 Present, Past, and Paris

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Ch 8 Present, Past, and Paris

Syn’s POV

It has been two days since I first met Emma or Em as I like to call her. She’s a beautiful woman that often speaks as if she were born decades ago!  Much like her coat she has deep red hair and piercing green eyes that remind me of a leprechaun. I could literally stare at her all day!  It took a lot of coaxing from me to finally get her to agree to move in with me. Granted I am not sure where she was staying, but by her lack of belongings I can only assume that she has been in her wolf form for quite some time. Em and I have become very close she is practically my best friend. I have told her about my past and she has told me about hers. I am sure that she is my protector because her past mirrors much of my own. Except her abuse was not at the hand of her lover, but that of her family the ones who were suppose to love and protect her.  Unfortunately, I haven’t heard from Hunter at all! And I feel completely restless. I had half a mind to march over to Carter’s place unannounced last night just to see if I could catch him over there, but she told me through text message that he doesn’t live there and hadn’t been back over there since Sunday after I left.

So here it is Wednesday and I am waiting for Em to show up so Carter and I can go to lunch with her. Em managed to upgrade my car when it came to security measures. Somehow when renovating my house I didn’t think to do the same to my car. So my Black Camaro is now outfitted with a bullet proof body, bullet proof windows that are tinted in a way to where you can’t see inside, a high tech tracking/GPS system and full body cameras. Also I have special tires, but I haven’t figured out what makes those special yet. 

“Hey Syn!”  Carter said pulling me into a hug. “Girl you stink!”

“Geeh thanks that’s exactly what I wanted to hear”

“I’m sorry it’s just you smell a little funny, what have you been doing? I thought you were locked away in your office all morning”

I spun around trying to catch a whiff, but failed I could only smell my perfume.

“Carter I don’t know what you smell, but it must be up your nose because I think I smell quite nice!”

She stepped closer to sniff me only to pull back with a puzzled look on her face. Before I could question her about it Carter seemed to tense as my car pulled up in front of us. But just as soon as the car pulled up to the side walk Em peeled out of the parking lot like someone was chasing her.

“What the hell?!” I said out loud.

“Syn who was that driving your car?” Carter asks with a slight disgust in her voice.

“It was my new roommate, Emma. You know the person we are suppose to be eating with. Hang on let me call her”

Just as I was about to press her contact she sent me a text message saying that she forgot she had an important meeting with someone. She asked that we have a rain check and she would see me when at home.

“Well it looks like we are on our own for lunch”

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