Ch1. Fresh Start

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Authors Note: Hi Guys!! ok so this is my VERY FIRST STORY! At first I was not going to upload anything until it was all finished, but inspiration hit me and I must get it down before it fades away. any-who I will try and keep these notes to a min, but please vote, comment, fan and all that wonderful stuff. Let me know you are reading b/c if not i will probably stop posting.

Ok well here is the first chapter! ENJOY!!


"Bree will you please calm down everything will be alright. I am safe and that's all you need to know. Yes, Yes I will definitely call you when I get to where I am going. Ok love you to." I quickly hung up the phone and chunked it out onto the freeway.

You see I cannot risk being discovered before I am fully settled and everything is in place. I refuse to go back. Just the mere thought of what going back means still terrifies me and its been almost a year since I left.

Pulling up to the drive way the first thing I notice is the grass is over grown, what I thought would be a white picket fence is actually tan and most of it is missing, and what is this I'm surrounded by the woods!?!? I freaking hate nature. Ok maybe that's a little bit dramatic. I have actually grown to like the outdoors, but that doesn't mean I want to be surrounded by wild things! I will definitely have to invest in full fence around the back. Something high and secure that will keep intruders out.

I must have been sitting in my car looking dazed for to long because before I knew it there was a knock on my window.

"Oh, Hi Mr. Jenkins sorry I am coming" Mr. Jenkins was my Realtor who helped me find this place. I may have mentioned that I wanted a fixer upper, but I didn't mean almost dilapidated!

"That's quite alright Ms. Bryant; just follow me in and we can finish up the signatures and I will be out of your hair".

Thankfully the inside did not look as bad as the outside. I guess you really can't judge a book by its cover. Beautiful dark hard wood floors covered the entire first level a spacious entry way lead to the back of the home, where the dinning/living room were. The kitchen was off to the right of this are and natural light flowed in from the big sliding door that took up half of the wall. Nice I thought very open. However, I will need to get think curtains and have all the glass replaced and double panelled. It probably will cost a small fortune to upgrade this place to fit my security needs. But I know I will be glad I did it in the long run.

Mr. Jenkins was droning on and on about the neighborhood as he led me up stairs where two bedrooms and two bathrooms awaited. He also mentioned that there was a peaceful waterfall and trail a little ways into the forest.

Hmm a trail I could keep up with my runs.

"Ms. Bryant are you listening?"

"Oh I'm sorry what did you say?"

"I said that it is important that you keep pepper spray with you at all times because not all of the animals are friendly."

ARE YOU KIDDING ME!??! I thought..I didn't sign up to have wild beasts roaming around!

"Ok Mr. Jenkins I will be careful if I decide to explore."

We continued to look around the second level.

I was glad that the Master bedroom had an en-suite and a large closet, and the windows in here were not as big as the others. And for that I was thankful!

After signing the papers Mr. Jenkins left. As I walked around I kept feeling the need to go out into the woods and explore. I couldn't shake the feeling that there was something out there I needed to see. But I was never one to disrgard a clear warning and I did not have any pepper spray with me so I would have to resist the urge no matter how strong. At least until tomorrow. Besides it was going to be dark soon and I really did not want to be out there in the dark!

I didn't really have anything to unpack because, I have been living in a Monastery for nearly a year. Tomorrow I will have to go shopping for not only furniture and food, but for supplies to get this DIY home improvement in order.

With one last look out the back window I turned to go upstairs for bed. Once I reached to top of the stairs I thought I faintly heard a lone howl into the night sky.

Great just what I need. I thought as I headed into my room.

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