Ch. 9 The So Called Truth

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Ch. 9 The So Called Truth

Serenity’s Pov

As I boarded the plane I couldn’t help but go over the things that I had learned. I allowed one werewolf into my life out of curiosity and she was supposed to be a friend a protector if you will. And now I find that I have unknowingly allowed another into my life. One that is attached to someone else and yet he wanted to worm his way into my life. I tried to think how I continued to allow myself to fall for the wrong guys. First Jason and now Hunter, I thought that maybe I had finally found someone just for me, someone who would treat me right and love me.

I had sent Carter a text telling her that I was on my way home and to let her brother know that I was well and safe. I then turned my phone off and sent Em a mental message saying the same asking her to stay out of my head until I was home.

After sending my messages I settled into my seat and closed my eyes. It would be a long flight home and I didn’t want to be bothered by my thoughts.

Hunter’s POV:

The meetings were lasting longer than I thought, but I kept thinking about my sweet little mate sitting up in my room waiting for me. I couldn’t wait to take her out and show her around Paris. I also had figured out how I was going to reveal my true self to her. My phone kept buzzing in my pocket and I wanted to check it because something could be wrong with Syn. I slowly stood and went out into the hallway and answered it.


“Heyyy big bro, how are you doing?”

“Carter, what the hell? Why are you calling me from an unknown number-

“Listen I am sorry I know you are busy, but I know that you would be upset if I didn’t tell you as soon as I found out. Now I need you to stay calm and just hear me when I say I don’t have any details other than what I am about to tell you”

“ok…. ok what is it Carter”


“Well?” “carter I am in the middle of a meeting what is it that you called to say”


“What? You said that too fast”

“I said Serenity took the first flight back home and she wants you to stay away from her.”


“Serenity. Is. Gone.”

“WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHE IS GONE” I boomed. I turned around to find Jake coming out of the board room.  I couldn’t think clearly so I just hung up on my sister and took off towards the suite. I hated the fact that I now had to wait for the elevator to get to the penthouse. I could have ran the stairs faster than this, but the stairs didn’t go up to our room. Jake was following close behind me.

I was filled with anxiety as I entered the penthouse and I nearly ran over the two maids trying to get into the bed room. Checking the closet and draws I found Syn’s stuff missing.  I was shaking with fear and anger. Why did she leave? We didn’t argue nothing, should have pushed her away. I slowly walked into the sitting room to find Jake looking disapprovingly at the two maids. He bowed his head to show respect. I know that Hunt is on edge at the moment because our mate is missing.

“Alpha, these ladies have some information for you.”


It was taking everything in me to not ring their necks after I heard their story.  I immediately went to call the airport to book a flight back home. I was in the process of making the arrangements when my father interrupted my call.

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