Ch.11 Bad Girls Do It Well Pt. 2

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Ch.11 Bad Girls Do It Well Pt. 2

Syn’s Pov:

I stood rooted in the middle of the club looking like a deer caught in headlights. He stood only a few feet away from me looking as if he had seen a ghost. What the hell is he doing here! This was not how my night was suppose to go, hell this isn’t how my life should be going right now. I can only hope he didn’t bring…..

“Serenity! What’s up girl!”

“M-Miguel hey how are you?” I asked nervously. I noticed that he had three other tank looking men with him.  They were all eyeing me like I was the last hot wing on super bowl Sunday.

“I’m good…gosh mami it’s been what a little over a year since I have seen you? You just up and left! Where’d you go?”

“Oh you know here and there…no where”

“Cool cool”

I noticed that he kept looking around nervously, but I wasn’t sure why. I also noticed that two of the guys had now started whispering to each other and the other was on the phone texting someone.

“Hey mami let’s go dance!”

Before I could object he drug me to the middle of the dance floor and told the other guys to wait for him.

I was trying to keep my distance, but he quickly grabbed my hips and spun me around, placed one are tightly around my waist and the other across my boobs. I was pinned to him and his mouth as tucked near my right ear. To the naked eye it would seem that he was speaking sweet nothings into my ear. But I knew better. He may have not been as bad as Jace, but they were definitely cut from the same cloth.  Mickey did help when things got too out of hand, but there was only so much he could do to protect me without coming off as undermining Jace’s authority within their “family”.

I groaned from the impact and closeness of his actions.

“Uhg Mickey what are you doing?”

“Listen mami I don’t know what the hell happened between you and my cousin, but he hasn’t been the same since you left. Hell I know he was an ass hole to you, but did you really have to leave and in such a dramatic way? I mean damn he has been going out of his mind searching for you. He even tried to jack up some of your friends and now that you have been spotted I can only warn you that he won’t stop until you are back with him.”

I sighed. God I hope none of my friends have suffered too much! I mean I’m not sure why even thought that anyone would know where I went. He had practically cut off my contact with any friends or family that I was close to before I met him.

“Mickey I can’t- No I won’t go back. I was living in hell and you know that”

Mickey spun us around and I noticed that the guys from before had been joined by two more. And they were quickly making out way towards us. I barely had time to register what was being said to me.

“Make it look good”

“What!?!” I was starting to panic

“Run…” he whispered

Thankfully my instincts kicked in. I doubled back head butting Mickey. I was satisfied when I heard the crack of his nose. I spun around and shoved him into one of the goons. I took off running in the direction of the bathrooms. I could only hope that there was an exit that would led to the street.


Emma’s Pov:

“Oh God NO!” I hopped up looking around the club for my Luna what I just saw could not happen. She could not be taken. I had to find Hunter. Gahh I don’t understand why the two of them were fighting. I knew he should have just ignored what his father was telling him. If Jake’s mom doesn’t get away from…thinking about all of the possible outcomes was making my head hurt and it was distracting me from finding the one person who was the key to all of this madness.

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