Ch 16: I protect the one's I love

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Ch 16: I protect the one’s I love

Syn’s Pov:

All I could feel was an immense pain that radiated from my right calf all the way up to my thigh. I could barely breathe and I was panicking. I was trying to focus on Em’s voice, but looking up I noticed how everyone was now running around while Hunter was trying to help me get up. His eyes were full of concern and determination. I faintly recognized that he was barking out commands to the men that now flooded the house. I noticed that many were running out of the house and shifting into their wolves running into the woods.

I was snapped back from my thoughts when I heard Em again.

“Luna! They are going to kill me! Please send Hunter quick!”

“Whats wrong Emma! Where are you??”

“Rouges, south property line near the pack house”

After that last statement I felt our connection slip. Something in me clicked and set a burning fire beneath my skin. I took off running out the back door. If they were near the pack house they were literally in Hunter’s back yard. I spotted a baseball bat and grabbed it along the way. I noticed wolves running alongside me like they were trying to stop me from going any further. But somehow I managed to out run them. I could feel Hunter not too far behind me, but I didn’t have time to stop and think about my actions.

Soon I could hear vicious growling and snapping. I leaped over a fallen tree just in time to see a psychotic looking rouge about to lunge for Em’s throat. Without much thought I jumped in front of where she was laying and swung the bat with as much force as I could. Which turned out to be more than I thought possible because the next thing I know I hear a fatal SNAP! And the wolf is several feet away. Before I have time to think, Hunter’s blushish black wolf jumps in front of me and lets out his own vicious growl that brings everyone to their knees except me.

In one swift move he is blocking my view and I can’t do anything, but look into his glowing eyes. At first I could hear the sounds of killing all around, but the more I focused on his eyes the less I could hear. It was really weird because I swear I could hear his heart beat and it felt like a tether cord was being connected to each of us. And then I heard a deafening pop!

And the world went black.

When I woke up I was in Hunter’s room and it was dark outside. I slowly sat up and looked around. I was alone.

Not that I minded, but I couldn’t help but wonder where Hunter was. I decided that I would get up and go look for him, but before I got to the bedroom door it opened and in walked my handsome mate.

He looked up and relief flooded his face. He quickly rushed up to me and picked me up. All the while he was sniffing my neck. I couldn’t help, but giggle it was tickling me. He rushed us to the bed and held me to his lap. I played with his hair and let him hold me, he clearly needed this.

After about 10 minutes I started to pull away and he slightly growled at me. It made me jump, but not because it scared me, but because it excited me. I couldn’t focus on that I needed to find out what happened to Em and if she was ok.

“She is fine; she is at the pack house being taken care of. Her healing is coming along rapidly; only a few more hours and she will be as good as new.” He voice was gruff but still fell over me like warm honey.

“H-How did you know that was what I wanted to know” my voice was barely a whisper.

By this time he had situated us where we were sitting in the middle of his bed facing each other. I could now see his face. One eye was the blue grey that I loved and the other was the glowing green that I was starting to love. I knew that both Hunt and Hunter were before me.

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