Ch. 7 An Encounter of A Different Kind

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Ch. 7 An Encounter of a Different Kind

   Hunter’s Pov:

My heart swelled with joy over her words and the apparent irritation that she was emitting. I was glad to know that the feelings of jealousy were not one-sided. Granted I could tell she was having an inner monologue with herself about her actions.  The girl who I was talking to also appeared to be annoyed. I actually didn’t even know she was still at here. Hanna and I have a history as do a lot of girls from my pack. Yes, I know how irresponsible of me. I used to be very indulgent, but as I was explaining to Hanna I have turned over a new leaf. 

Hanna attempted to move closer, but my little mate just angled her body more in front of me. I smiled at this, but decided I should intervene. Clearing my throat and reaching out to hold Syn’s hand I proceeded to introduce the two.

“Hanna this is Serenity. Serenity, Hanna” They just continued their stare down.

“So are you two like together or something”

“yea something” Syn replied with a possessive edge to her voice. I could get used to this.

“Hmm wait until V gets back into town…we will see about your something” Hanna said and then shoved passed us. Syn let out a shaky breath and I just bent slightly and kissed her forhead. She flinched a little because of this action, but quickly shook it off.

“So how about that sleep?” she asked looking up at me with a slight smile.

“ahh princess I’m hurt, you forgot already.” I said in a teasing voice. I sat down on the front steps and pulled her down to where she was sitting in front of me and I wrapped my arms around her. She didn’t seem to mind. She actually let out a content sigh.

“hmm what did I forget exactly?”

“That we are going to watch the sun rise, since you chose to sleep in the car rather than talk to me”

“….you were serious about that, Hunter we had a pretty high strung day…how about a rain check?” She leaned further into me and slightly turned. God I wanted to kiss her. I looked down at her and smiled.

“Ok it’s what almost 2 am at this point; what if I let you sleep for a few hours and then we get up and go watch the sun rise?”

She bounced out of my arms before I really even finished the sentence.

“Sounds like a plan champ.” She said as a yawn escaped. I watched as she turned to go inside. I guess she realized I wasn’t right behind her because she turned around and held out her hand.

“Aren’t you coming?”

I had every intention of watching her sleep, but as soon as we both hit the pillow we were out. Thankfully I set my alarm for 5:45. Enough time for us to get up the big hill and catch the perfect view of the sunrise. I started to get out of the bed without waking my mate. Which wasn’t that hard considering we had pillows in between the two of us. Yea she wasn’t that comfortable with me. But at this point I’ll take what I can get.

“Are you trying to sneak out on me already…thought we were closer than that” I was able to see her face perfectly because of my perfect eye sight. Her eyes were still closed, but a smile played on her lips.

“No princess I was just giving you a few more minutes of shut eye. I will be right back to get you, ok?”

I didn’t get a response as she had already fallen back asleep. I made my way outside to get the four wheeler for us to ride. As I was heading back inside Syn was already making her way over to me. She was wearing a pair of my sweat pants and a hoodie. Guess she is comfortable enough to borrow me stuff. It doesn’t bother me any, I like the fact that I know she will have my smell on her well after those clothes are off.

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