Ch 18 Part 2

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Ch 18 Rest In Peace pt 2

Syn’s Pov

With those thoughts in my mind I numbly went about getting ready. I loved Hunter so much and I could not bear to see him or anyone else suffer because of my past decisions. We made it to my best friend’s house just as the BBQ was hitting its peak. I knew that since Jason was her brother that we probably shouldn’t have gone, but I wanted word to spread that I was in town and that I was looking for him. He would take the bait and show up. I just knew he would. I needed to make sure that Hunter was distracted so that I could set my plan in motion.

“Serenity!” my best friend Bre yelled at me while giving me a bone crushing hug. I hugged her back with equal force. This girl kept me sane and alive for so many years.

“Best friend, it is so good to see you.”

“Oh my my my looks like you have gotten over my brother the good old fashioned way. A nice warm man between your sheets” she whispered as she kept shooting heated glances towards Hunter. I had to admit my man did looks delicious standing there in a fitted v-neck and dark wash jeans. He was standing with his arms crossed with a slightly intimidating scowl on his face. Everyone was steering clear of him and with good reason. He was ready to put my past to rest as much as I was. I was worried that the stress was getting to him, but he kept reassuring me that it wasn’t the stress that I thought.

I just laughed in reply “Yes he is quite the specimen isn’t he?” She nodded in agreement. I started pulling her off to the side of the house. For whatever reason I could feel Hunter’s gaze on me hardening. I knew he was suspicious that I was going to do something reckless, but I gave him my best reassuring smile and mouthed to him that I just wanted to talk about girl things. He gave me a stiff nod and went to search out food. When we were out of what I assumed was ear shot. I proceeded to tell her of my plan. She was not in the least bit impressed. She kept swating at me and saying I was going on a suicide mission. I knew she was deathly afraid of her brother, but I didn’t know the real reason until she proceeded to tell me.

“Do you know why I think you baiting him is such a bad idea. Have you ever wondered why he never talked about our mother?”

“No all he ever told me about your parents is that your mother died shortly after your father did.”

She looked at me with so much fear, disgust, and hate in her eyes. “Yes I suppose he would leave out the part of him finding our mother in bed with her lover and being responsible for their death. My father was a cruel man, but he also had very large soft spot for my mother and I. We were his treasures. I am almost positive that my father hated the fact that Jason was a boy. I was his redemption child, the beloved one and Jason has never let me forget that. My dad may have made me feel like gold, but Jason has made me feel lower than shit. My mother knew of my father’s drug dealings and she understood that when she married him it was a lifelong thing, but she wanted something normal. So she cheated. My brother walked in on her with her lover and he used it to his advantage. He was already bitter since he was seen as a second class member of our family. He worked hard to make my father proud, but nothing was ever good enough no matter how much he doubled the family business.” She spoke with such loathing that it shook me to my core. Her face was twisted into the most horrible scowl. This whole time she had been focused on the ground.

She continue with her story, “Well my father was having one of his monthly celebrations with his men and a few of their families. I will never forget that day Jason was only 17. Jason barged into my room covered in blood and told me that I needed to come downstairs and see the show. If anything my father hated more than Jason it was snitches. Apparently my mother’s lover was a part of a special division that was trying to take my father down. She had exposed many secrets about the drugs, money and God knows what else. In the short time that my brother was up in that room he had discovered this. He drug the man down and threw him at my father’s feet. One of his eyes was gouged out and he had several fingers missing. My brother had tortured the poor man. But he was just getting started. He began to tell my father the tale of betrayal and then when my father was booming and saying that it wasn’t true that his wife would not do such a thing; she came running out falling onto her lover begging for forgiveness. My father heartbroken raised his hand and walked away. I wanted as my brother sliced into them tearing them apart. It was a message that betrayal was not tolerated. Since then he treated women as disposable possessions. “

By this time she was crying and I could do nothing but hold her and whisper that everything was going to be ok. I knew that it wasn’t I knew that what I was doing was crazy but as I looked her in the eyes and told her that I was going to get revenge for not only myself but for her mom I knew I was doing the right thing.

We returned to the BBQ after a few more heated words from Bre, she really thought I was stupid. She kept telling me that she thought her brother had changed when he met me, but when she found out how controlling he was and how he beat me she knew that his soul was beyond saving.

Hunter was immediately by my side. “are you ok?” He asked while pulling me down into his lap. I just gave him a tight smile and nodded. I wasn’t ok. I couldn’t sort out all of the emotions that I was feeling, but I knew that it was almost time. Although Bred didn’t agree with me she agreed to help me get away from Hunter.

Everything happened so fast I couldn’t keep up. There was a loud explosion coming from the front of the house. Everyone ran towards the noise trying to see what happened. Hunter basically had me tied to his side. I knew this would be hard, but come one let me go!

Before I knew it there were several of his guards out in the lawn inspecting his blown up car. I didn’t even know they had come with us.

I saw Bre and gave her a thumbs up on the distractions, but she just shook her head and pointed back towards the back of the house. I noticed the figure that was a positive match for Jason.

“Princess I need you to stay close something isn’t right about this. Do not, I repeat DO NOT move more than a few feet away from me.” I just nodded numbly. Feeling the weight of my decision.

All of a sudden the crowd from the gathering started shouting and running towards Hunter’s men. We were quickly separated and I made a mad dash for the back of the house.

I was scanning the area for Jason but I didn’t spot him. I hadn’t noticed the figure looming over me. But in a deadly tone he spoke. “Ahh mi amor you have returned to me.” Before I was able to turn around a black bag was thrown over my head and I was forced upside down. I tried not breath to much as I struggled with Jason. I knew he laced the back with chloroform to knock me out, but the drugs took effect I was able to get a few good punches in.

The last thing I heard before I blacked out was the sounds of Hunter screaming my name.

I only hope he can forgive me.


Hello! WattPad!!! So sorry I have been away for so long! I just haven’t in the mood to write. I start and then can’t finish. I know this is shorter than any of us would have liked, but it is a start. So you know what to do.

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Until Next Time

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2014 ⏰

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