Ch. 18 Rest in Peace pt 1

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Hunter’s POV:

“I don’t care if I have to go up there and drag her off of that stage! She is not dancing or taking her damn clothes off for anyone, but me!” I yelled into my cell.

My pack and I had finally located where Serenity was and I wasn’t going to let her go through with this hair brain idea that she had. Hell after the last few days I wasn’t sure if this was a simple idea or the life that Syn actually wanted to lead. All I knew was that I was going to fight tooth and nail to get her back by my side where she belonged. I don’t care if I lose everything else in the process. My parents and this stupid alpha title be damned. When I get my hands on her I am going to mate her and start my life with her.

I walked into the dimly lit club just as the slow sensual thump of the base vibrated off of the surrounding walls. This place was well known in this part of Dallas, great food and hotter girls. If I wasn’t mated and here strictly to get my mate back I would have indulged in on some of the carnal pleasures that were sashaying around in next to nothing.

I signaled to Jake and the others to go around back and take out any unwanted distractions.

Just as I was about to head to the bar to scope the place out further I noticed a lot of commotion coming from the main stage.

That’s when I saw her. Everything faded to dark as the music pumped and the familiar sounds of Beyoncé’s partition started filling the room. Damn did my girl have curves in all of the right places. I stood back and admired how her body moved and swayed to the beat. Then I realized as she strutted towards the pole that every man in this damn place was hounding to get a piece of what is mine.

Anger may have clouded my judgment as I reached the stage.

When Serenity noticed that I was at the front and center I knew by how she paused for a minute the scowl on my face must be threatening. But the mishap didn’t stop her from strutting over to me and then slipping down and spreading her legs in a slow and sensual fashion in front of not only me, but the whole club! It was as if she was testing me.

My resolve didn’t last long and I knew a fight would follow my actions, but I couldn’t take it any longer. Hunt was causing me to have a migraine and I knew I needed to take control of the situation before I gouged out every eye in the place.

In one smooth swoop I pulled Serenity off of the stage and dragged her out of the club. I could faintly hear the protests, but I saw my pack members take on the patrons and the club manager.

“What the fuck are you doing here? And why did you have to ruin my spot light performance?” Serenity slurred. She looked drugged out of her mind.

I sighed as I shrugged off my jacket to give it to her.

When I finally forced the jacket on her I stood back and lit a vanilla black n mild. Yea I started smoking since we had been down here. A habit that wasn’t really appreciated by anyone.

After taking a drag I turned to face Syn, but was met by the back of her hand.

Damn she back handed the shit out of me!


Syn’s POV: One Week Earlier

To say that I was simply impressed would be the understatement of the century. I mean I knew that Hunt was loaded, but dang his jet would put the Royal family to shame. I was literally flying in the lap of luxury.

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