Ch 13: Confession Session

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Ch 13: Confession Session.

Syn’s Pov: freaking HOT. I slowly shift around only to have this warm blanket squeeze me tighter. What in the world is going on with the air in my house AND where did this ridiculous headache come from?? GAH!! After moving around about three different ways my blanket makes a grunting noise. I decide it’s time to open my eyes because the last time I checked blankets don’t make noise.


I am in the bed with Hunter.

And boy does he look sexy while sleeping….wait…wah? No...No...NO!!!  This cannot be happening; I could not have slept with him. I had to have been drunk to actively participate in his cheating escapades.

But he looked so innocent and pure while he was sleeping. Just looking at him I was tempted to caress his face. I knew that this was the perfect moment for me to stop lying to myself. I have fallen so far down the rabbit hole; I am deeply and madly in love with Hunter James. Wow! This is both amazing and heartbreaking all at the same time.

Trying to contain the feelings that were starting to spread throughout my body I tore my gaze away from his face and assessed the situation. This is bad. Really bad especially since my mind wants to wonder about how it would be to wake up every day to those steely blue eyes, eyes that when looking at me hold so much passion, depth, and an emotion that is always shining bright, but I can’t figure out what it is.

This is too much!

After freaking out and much effort on my part; I finally free myself from his warm arms. I look around the room and spot what I assume is the bathroom. Which let me just say is like the lap of luxury. This dude is loaded. But that’s off of the topic. I notice that there is a bag of clothes and hygiene products near the shower. Well at least he is a gentleman and was prepared for my stay. Pffh whatever.

Once I finished my shower I went back out into the room only to notice that Hunter is no longer there and the bed is made up. Dang I guess I took longer than I thought. Looking around I saw that the curtains were drawn back and the whole room was illuminated by natural light. I must have been so engrossed in the view that I didn’t hear Hunter enter the room.

“Beautiful” he whispered. When I turned he was way closer to me than I was comfortable. So close I could feel heat radiating from his body; when he stood near me it felt like a missing puzzle was now where it belonged, like I had been standing in the cold and now had a warm jacket surrounding me and protecting me from the harsh elements.

“Yea it is”. I muttered.

“Syn we need to talk about what happened last night and what happened when we were out of town”.

I knew that we would have to talk about Paris, but I wasn’t sure I was ready. He was getting married soon, he lead me on. I was the sideline hoe, nothing more nothing less. I didn’t really understand what more there was to talk about.

“Listen Hunter, I apologize for the way I was acting last night. Thanks for letting me crash, but as far as discussing Paris…there really isn’t anything I want to say and I’d rather not listen to your excuses. It was all very fun while it lasted. Thank you for giving me a glimpse of what I thought I deserved, but I know that I will probably never be the girl who takes someone’s breath away, or the girl that gets her happily ever after. After all the years that I didn’t believe Jason when he told me I was worthless and would never have anyone better than him, I can now say that he was right. I’m not worth the trouble and I should have just stayed and took his version of love. Because that’s exactly what I thought I was experiencing with you. Yea I know crazy right? I was falling in love with you. Man am I stupid!! I hardly even know you. Hell I just found out that you are a werewolf with a mate. There has to be something wrong with me if I am in love with someone who can never be mine. I can’t for the life of me understand why this feeling of you not being mine is worst than anything Jason ever put me through. ”

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