Ch. 4 New Job

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Ch. 4 new job

Serenity's Pov:

Oh Lawd did I really just come off as cheesy as I think I did!.. yea babe just call me Serenity. That was embarrassing, but not only that my real name just slipped from my mouth. I seriously had no intention of letting anyone besides the people at work know my full name. It was something about that Hunter boy that enchanted me. He had an air of confidence that radiated from him. That smile was gorgeous, but he also screamed player like the rest of his little friends. I know his type; rich, spoiled, possessive, controlling, and manipulative. All qualities that I can do without. Besides the fact that all of them seem to not know the meaning of personal space. I had to keep reminding myself that they weren't actually going to touch me. I still flinch every-time someone moves to fast or too close to me. I seriously need to work on that.

After a few more hours the boys finished the fence and wanted me to hangout with them, but I gracefully declined. I needed to make preparations for work and for my security upgrades. A few days later the contractors and security people were swarming my home and I felt bad that the guys had worked so hard on my front fence because the security company actually had to re-due it since the front portion was going to connect to the parts along the side and back of the property. The back fence was higher and not see through like the front, every inch of the fence had an electric current running through it and could only be disabled via voice recognition. And I know what you are thinking what if the power goes out. Well everything is solar powered as well as backed up by two separate generators. In addition to this I have cameras showing every inch of my property and a little beyond that. The cameras can all be viewed using any of the 6 TV screens that I have in the house. There is a TV in my mirror in my bathroom, one in my bedroom, the guest room and bath room, the living room and finally the kitchen. Yes, a little over board, but it is all a part of what my freedom costs. All of the windows were replaced with double panel bullet proof glass. My front door was replaced with a titanium one that appears to be a fine wood door; that of course is painted a beautiful royal purple. The door was also upgraded to include a pin code if I deemed it necessary to place the house under severe lock down. I also made sure to have an arsenal of assorted guns and knives around the house. The final part of my security is an escape route that holds important documents, a change of clothes, a gun, and cash. There is a trap door near my entertainment center in the living room that leads to an underground tunnel that will take me into the woods near the highway.

Thankfully my neighbors didn't seem to mind all of the trucks and people that were in and out of the neighborhood over those few days. Before I knew it Monday had arrived and it was time for me to start my new job as a child play therapist at The Emmery Rose School For the Talented and Gifted.

Apparently the school "special" kids from ages 4 to 15 years old. I thought it was odd to have some high school freshman attending the same school as elementary and middle school children, but the job paid well and I would only have to work three days a week and be on call for emergencies. I figured I might as well put my degree and license to use.

I arrived at the school around 9 am. Another plus about my job my office hours were from 9 am to 3 pm. Just enough time to work out or go out to eat in the mornings. Lovely.

As I walked in I passed several class rooms many of which the doors were promptly closed when i passed. I thought this was odd, but assumed that my heels were making too much noise. I arrived at the brightly colored office. Actually now that I think about it everything about the school screamed cheery! The receptionist told me that Mr. Johnson the principal would be with me in a few. So I took a seat in the lobby and sipped my caramel macchiato.

Mr. Johnson gave me a full tour of the facility and showed me my office. By the time we were finished it was time for the elementary children to have recess and the older kids were going to lunch. I decided to walk around outside and meet some of the teachers.

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