ch.18 This Can't Be Real Life

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A/N So I can’t remember when I said that Hunter was turning 25, but I am going to make his birthday in a week. J If any of you can remember or if I even said it at all let me know and I will go back and correct this chapter…anyway continue on!

Ch.18  This cannot be real life!

Syn’s Pov:

You would think that after Hunter and I had this moving conversation that things would be all rainbows and sunshine. But that just isn’t how life works, we have been getting into fights constantly and I don’t understand why. His wolf has become more possessive and demanding of me, but at the same time he is more reserved. Whenever I think that our make-out sessions are going to turn into something more he makes up an excuse to leave. I am constantly left dazed and confused and he always looks uncomfortable. I am starting to think that he doesn’t want me anymore. I have never felt so needy. Sure I know what pain and fear feels like hell I know those emotions so well that I can taste them lingering in the air.

I was brought out of my thoughts by phone ringing loudly. I rolled over to grab my phone off of the night stand next to Hunter’s bed. Yea that’s another thing that we fought about. I told him that I felt like I was being watched and he insisted, no more like demanded that I stay with him so he could protect me. Apparently his wolf has been feeling uneasy every time he would come over. He would run perimeters around the house and surrounding woods and he said he picked up on some unknown scents. He said that he has clearly seen me in action, but being up running around my house and then going to work was putting unnecessary wear and tear on him. I eventually caved after giving him the cold shoulder for a few days.

Again I was brought out of my thoughts by the constant ringing.

As soon as I looked at the number a smile lit my face.

“Hey Bre-Bre long time-

“S-Serenity! Oh thank God! I have been so worried about you. You said that once you got settled you would let me know where you were. Do you realize that it’s been almost 2 months since I have talked to you?” My best friend was yelling and her voice was laced with panic. I haven’t heard that from her since she first found out about what Jace was doing to me.

“Bre calm down I am fine and yes I know that. Time has just flown by and as a matter of fact how the hell did you get this number. Not that I don’t want you calling, but-“

“Syn that’s why I’m calling you, they know where you are. That’s how I got your number. I told Jace that I would call you home. Syn so much shit has happened since you left; hell a lot has happened since you last talked to me.”

“Ok what is going on, why did you even get close to him, let alone tell him you would call me home? Have you lost your got damn mind???”

“No, this is me telling you to run…Syn if I didn’t say I was going to call you he was going to hunt you down and bring you back to Texas kicking and screaming. Hell you may not even make it back here alive. You need to either get out of the country or come here and fight. You know we would stand by you.”

“No, I am not putting you or anyone else in danger and I sure as hell aint running again. Things are good for me here, I met someone and though he can be a little bi-polar I think what we have is real and I wanna see where it will go. So if Jace wants a fight then I’ll bring the fight to him. Go report that to your brother.”

I could hear her crying on the other line. I could also feel Em trying to push into my mind no doubt she felt my distress. Actually I don’t feel distressed I feel angered. I know that the only reason that Bre hasn’t been hurt is because she is that bastard’s sister, but there is no doubt in my mind that he has done something to her recently.

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