Ch.2 Anxious

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Ch2: Anxious 

Hunter's POV 

"BEEP BEEP BEEP" That's what normally wakes me up in the morning, but for some reason I was up before my alarm and before the sun. I went for my usual run through the forest. This usually calms me down, but not this morning. This morning I can't seem to shake the feeling that something big is going to happen. Pushing those feelings to the side I step into the shower. 

Stepping out of the shower I wrap a towel around my waist and wipe some of the steam off of my mirror. 

"Damn I'm hot!" yea I can be a little conceded, but I think I have reason to be. I stand just a little over 6'2, sexy ass six pack, dirty blond hair, and eyes that are blue but look almost grey. After shaving a bit and styling my hair. I step out into my room and start getting dressed for work.  

The anxious feelings from earlier seem to intensify as I pass the newly sold house on Rosewood Ave. For some reason I felt the need to pull over.  

"Jeff! Stop the car please" I randomly asked my driver. Yea I know what the heck does a young guy like me need with a driver. Well let's just say I need to make an impression at this meeting that I'm heading. 

"Yes sir." Jeff replied with a smile. I found this to be a tad bit weird since the man usually questioned every one of my actions. Oh well. 

Stepping out of the car I headed up to the drive way where I say Mr. Jenkins. 

"Morning son, what can I do for you?" Mr. Jenkins spoke  

"Morning sir, I see that you finally are unloading this dump on some poor unsuspecting soul" 

"Ahh Hunter come on you know this house looks better on the inside than the out. The owners didn't have time to complete their remodel before they met their untimely demise." 

"Yea that was a shock to the whole town" I said uncomfortably. "So who is it exactly that you sold the house to?" 

"That's the thing son. I'm not really sure all I know is a young lady by the last name of Bryant should be arriving this afternoon. She said that she wanted a fixer-upper and didn't want nosey neighbors. I figured this would be the prime location to stay away from the nosey neighbors." 

"Well that's true. Do you think she would be one to poke around the woods out back?" I didn't exactly like the idea of a new comer living so close to the woods. There are things back there that need to stay hidden.  

After a generic conversation about the newcomer I hopped back into the car and went into the city where my office is located. 

Stepping off of the elevator, I was greeted by my assistant Nora. She is a true blessing and miracle worker especially during crunch time. And today was definitely crunch time. I figured that my anxiety was driven by the fact that I had a meeting with our share holders and I needed to convince them that I am more than capable to take over the company from my father. I also need to convince them that a merger with our competitors is not necessary.  

"Mr. James! Here are the files that you wanted on Spalding Holdings." Nora raced after me. 

"Thanks Nor! This should put an end to all of the madness." 


Six hours later all bets were off and I was able to not only gain additional financial backing, but I more than proved that my father will leave the company in capable hands. I felt that it was time to call up the guys and go out to celebrate.  

"Jake! What's up my man?" I spoke into my cell as I was exiting the building. 

"Not much Hunt. How did everything go today?"  

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