Ch. 6 It's a party, it's a party, it's a PAR-TAY

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Ch. 6 It’s a party, it’s a party, it’s a PAR-TAY

Serenity’s Pov

After grabbing something to eat we hit the road again. As soon as I was back in the comfy seats I could barely keep my eyes open.

“hey are you falling asleep on me? We still have tons to talk about.”

I gave him a dead look as I reclined my chair and snuggled in. “I’m sure there will be plenty of time for us to talk. I get super cranky when I’m sleep deprived. So it’s best for all parties involved if I get a little more shut eye”

“Fine go to sleep, but just know I plan on keeping you up all night. Matter of fact we are gonna be up so long that we are gonna watch the sun rise”

“ok whatever you say” I replied facing away from him.


Hunter’s POV:

As we continued down the road I couldn’t help but glance at my mate. she was beautiful when she was awake, but she was also guarded. When she was asleep she looked so vulnerable and innocent. However, for some reason I knew there was more to her than meets the eye. Especially since she made a comment about someone hurting her. Regardless of the fact that the comment was made indirectly, deep down I knew she was speaking from experience. I would keep my word and do everything in my power to protect her. With only about 20 minutes left till we reached the lake. Serenity started to stir. and not in a good way. she was literally shaking and I could feel the fear radiating off of her.

help her you idiot! Hunt commanded.

“Give me a second!”

I wasn’t really prepared for a situation like this, but she was in such distress. I didn’t want to pull over and cause the others to stop and see what was happening. For whatever reason I felt that she wouldn’t want anyone to see her in a state of weakness. So I grabbed her hand and held it in mine. She tensed for a second then she was squeezing the life out of my hand, but she quickly quieted down, and threaded our hands together. I saw a whisper of a smile on her face. I only wished she was this comfortable to do this when she was awake. I know that she is human and i am going to have to ease her into my world slowly, but I hope that it won’t take too long.

When the car came to a stop, Syn woke with a start and I noticed she was staring down at our intertwined hands.

“why are we holding hands?” she whispered as she slowly and cautiously removed her hand from mine. Once her had was safely back in her lap I saw her shaking it out like it hurt. I could have sworn I wasn't holding it that tight.

Maybe she feels the sparks?

“You started having a bad dream. I was just trying to comfort you.”

“Comfort me. Did I ask you to comfort me?” her words were dripped with anger.

“No but-”

“Right I didn’t and don’t need you to comfort me!” she snapped.

I noticed that she had a panicked look on her face as she quickly scrambled to get out of the car. I couldn’t for the life of me understand why she was upset. So I hopped out of the car and ran around to her side and grabbed her by her arm to keep her from walking away. The reaction I got was not what I expected. She whipped around and glared at me.

“Stop touching me! Get away from me!” she hissed.

“Princess what the hell is your problem” By this time she had jerked her arm away from me and was holding it close to her like I had burned her. I was starting to worry that maybe something was actually wrong, but my wolf and I were getting a little irritated with the emotional rollercoaster we were riding.

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