You can run but you cant hide

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Brodie's POV

I woke up and Rachel was snoring softly barely noticeable. I stroke her cheek and kissed her forehead,

'Good morning...brodie?'

'Morning beautiful'

She had a look on her face that said she was not happy with the way I was touching's worn off already, shit!

I walked to the bathroom and pulled out my handy tool for emergencies, and this was a big emergency!

The small syringe filled with melted silver it wasn't much to kill a werewolf but it would make her weak and she wouldn't be able to contact mason through their little mind link, and she won't be able to shift into her wolf.

I walked to the kitchen, the smell of pancakes and strawberries. I wrapped my arm around her waist and plunged the syringe into her neck and emptied its liquid into her blood stream....she slowly got weaker and then she looked at me with confusion and....disappointment.

'Wh-what a-are y-you doing?'

'Shhhh sleep beautiful..'

She tried to get out of my hold as I walked towards the spare bedroom, I had put sound proof walls in and there were no windows. The only way out was the door which would be locked....and I had the key. Mason I DONT like sharing!


I walked through the mud of the swamp, god if that stupid woman had given me the right thing this wouldn't be happening!

There was the small mouldy cottage where the little old lady lived, I knocked several times. But no answer! I swear she's trying to get herself killed, I don't have time for this! Then a small wrinkly woman stood before me.

'Hello dear'

'Where's the stuff!?'

'Don't be rude!'

'I haven't got all day old lady and don't tell me what to do because I'm not in the mood!'

I saw her shudder from my sudden outburst but she just didn't understand how important this was.

'Come in....'

We sat down and she passed me a small bottle of a transparent liquid,

'So what do I do with it?'

'Just mix it with one of her drinks and all you need is a drop! It will last about a week and you won't need another bottle for about a year....'

'Ok, thank you!'

I walked home and started preparing the drink.

'What did you do to me?!'

Thoughts were running through my mind. How is she not weak! She's normal and how did she get-

'She asked you a question you dickhead now answer her!'

I then noticed a very angry mason behind her.....

'How did that not effect you! And how did you get out that room?!'

'She's got a gift. She's different. Silver doesn't effect her and she told me the things you did through the mind link! If you ever touch, look or even think about her I will personally kill you! In fact why not do it now....'

His bones changed as is his big black wolf lunged at me I reacted strait away shifting into my light brown wolf. He goes strait for my neck but I dodge it and leap out my window and just run. I will be back. I will get revenge......just wait mason!


Rachel's POV

'What a whimp! Just runs away...god I knew from the beginning he was a creep'

'He played us... I'll find out what he wants... Don't worry beautiful'

'I love you mason, and I'm sorry Ive caused you all this drama!'

'Beautiful I love you and the drama doesn't matter! We can fix this don't worry...'

I kissed his soft lips. Now all we need to do is find that asshole and see what he wants.....

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